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By adamg - 8/29/13 - 2:12 pm

BU Today reports District D-14, which covers Allston and Brighton, begins a booze crackdown next month that will feature more arrests as the first response to violations of alcohol-related laws. BU Today quotes BPD Superintendent William Evans:

We are going to come down a little harder at the outset than we did last year. When a party gets out of control, we’re going to take action.

By adamg - 8/28/13 - 4:31 pm

Boston Police today released a short statement on what we all thought was the second case of a woman getting into an unlicensed cab and being sexually attacked by the driver: Basically, it didn't happen:

By adamg - 8/26/13 - 7:05 pm

Two guys whipped out guns and began firing at each other around 6:20 p.m. on Comm. Ave. just outbound from Harvard Ave., AlertNewEngland reports. No injuries, police recovered two guns, still looking for the shooters.

The T briefly stopped B Line trolley service.

By adamg - 8/17/13 - 11:11 am

Boston University filed another LED patent lawsuit this week, this time against a company that distributes Samsung's SPHWWTHDD805WHT0GD, SPHWHTHAD603S0R0MZ and, of course, popular SPMWHT221MD5WAP0S0 high-tech lamp components.

By adamg - 8/13/13 - 8:54 am

DPW workers righting the downed box. Photo by Robinite.DPW workers getting ready to right the downed box. Photo by Robinite.

Around 4:30 a.m., That Red Hair Girl tweeted:

Was anyone else in Allston just violently awoken by what sounded like the scariest crash of all time on Comm Ave. near Griggs?

Mozendo reports:

Saw a car crash moments ago in Allston. Not sure if the guy was speeding or his brake wouldn't work. I saw the whole thing. I'm surprised he didn't get hurt. He was speeding down Allston (from BC) and swerved front of the Long Ave T stop where he crashed.

By adamg - 8/8/13 - 8:35 pm

Boston Police report officers didn't have to do anything to catch a purse snatcher on Comm. Ave. yesterday - thanks to two bystanders who sprung into action when a woman started yelling about a man who'd just stolen her purse behind Great Scott on Comm. Ave., one of them an off-duty Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police officer.

By adamg - 8/8/13 - 2:56 pm

The mayor's office today announced pilot composting programs in which residents can bring certain types of food scraps and other organic matter to a local farmers' market for, well, composting.

For the three-month duration of this program, full-service waste hauler Renewable Waste Solutions will donate supplies and hauling services for transport to Rocky Hill Farm in Saugus, Massachusetts, where the collected scraps will be transformed into fertile soil for use in commercial and personal farming and gardening projects.

By adamg - 8/5/13 - 10:52 pm

DIY Fest  in Ringer Park Aug. 24.

By adamg - 8/5/13 - 10:06 am

Sunset over Union Square

After yesterday's rainbow came the sunset, photographed here by Christopher Wagner over Union Square in Allston.

By adamg - 7/29/13 - 12:54 pm

Maybe not Science Center big anymore, but not just fallow land, either. Banker & Tradesman reports on the U's 10-year master plan for all its land in Allston, including a 200-room hotel, a 3,000-seat basketball arena and a six-to-nine story "Gateway Project" at the old Barrys Corner and either new housing for grad students or an office building.

By adamg - 7/29/13 - 9:29 am

Wicked Local Cambridge reports Cambridge Police are investigating an incident in which a woman in Allston got in a cab, asked to be taken to an address in Cambridge and when she refused to pay the full fare because the driver took her to the wrong place, was basically held hostage in a parking lot while the driver started doing donuts:

The woman eventually jumped out of the cab, suffering minor injuries to her right foot and right elbow.

By adamg - 7/27/13 - 9:27 am

John Carroll, who when not blogging teaches at BU, alerts us that Insomnia Cookies, which says it will deliver cookies, ice cream and milk until 3 a.m., is setting up shop right next to BU.

Ed. note: Welcome to the City that Always Sleeps, guys, and have fun at that Licensing Board meeting you're no doubt trying to schedule.

By adamg - 7/22/13 - 9:31 am

The Ward 21 Democratic Committee (Allston/Brighton, Fenway) likes Mike Ross, calling him the innovation candidate.

Speaking of Allston/Brighton, John Connolly went on a bicycle tour of the neighborhoods, which have more bike collisions than any others, this morning. Connolly says as mayor, he'd add money to the city budget for dedicated "cycle tracks."

The Jamaica Plain Gazette interviews Charlotte Golar Richie about why she wants to be mayor.

By lauren - 7/21/13 - 11:18 pm

First Ward Committee to Endorse in Mayoral Race

Boston, MA -- The Ward 21 Democratic Committee officially endorsed Councilor Mike Ross for Mayor on Thursday. The committee, made up of Democratic activists from parts of the Allston, Brighton, and Fenway neighborhoods, cited Ross’ innovative ideas as key to the endorsement.

“Councilor Ross stood out in a field of several qualified candidates as the one most able to use innovative ideas to create jobs, improve our schools, and modernize government,” said Lauren Mattison, the Committee Chair. “We’re excited to spend the rest of this campaign making phone calls, knocking on doors, and telling people why Mike Ross is the best candidate for Mayor.”

Nine of the 12 candidates for Mayor filled out the Committee’s questionnaire, which addressed topics such as education, housing, institutional expansion, open space, and transportation. Those candidates, including Charlotte Golar Richie, John Connolly, and Bill Walczak spoke to the community before the Committee vote on Thursday. In the end, Councilor Ross received more than enough votes to qualify for an endorsement.

By adamg - 7/17/13 - 8:44 pm

Ken Bauer reported from his car, stuck on Storrow Drive around 8 p.m., that some fool coach-bus driver managed to get his behemoth onto Soldiers Field Road/Storrow Drive eastbound just past the Doubletree, but that he also managed to avoid lopping the top of the bus off until state troopers arrived to block traffic so that he could back the bus back the fool way he came.

Back in February:
Things didn't work out so well that other time.

By adamg - 7/17/13 - 11:08 am

The Globe reports the festival will happen sometime next month at the Allston park.

By Long Live Circle Cinema - 7/12/13 - 3:04 pm

Nearly 50 years after it was remodeled, the Circle Cinemas has fallen on hard times. While the building itself is likely to make way for a new development, some people think the sign itself is worth saving.

Read what the Globe has to say about the Long Live Circle Cinema project:

By adamg - 7/12/13 - 9:30 am

Mr. Butch

Around 8 a.m. on July 12, 2007, Mr. Butch, the mayor of Allston, was driving his scooter down Brighton Avenue when hit a light pole. He was 56 and left a large community of people who knew him from his time on the streets of Allston and, before he was exiled after BU yuppified it, Kenmore Square.

Christopher Arthur took this picture of Mr. Butch - who graduated Berklee - and later turned it into a painting on the last suitcase he carried.

More photos and video at The Mr. Butch Show.

Memorial march. Photo by Ben Sisto, used under this Creative Commons license.Memorial march. Photo by Ben Sisto, used under this Creative Commons license.

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