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North End civic leader vows to press criminal charges against homeless people outside Haymarket T stop

Jim Salini, president of the North End/Waterfront Residents' Association, writes he's tired of stepping over three homeless people who sleep outside Haymarket station and says if they don't vacate the premises and police refuse to do anything, he's going to court and press charges against them somehow.

If I see any individuals lying there or loitering, I will immediately dial 911 and ask police to remove them. I will press charges. I will at the same time call the press.

I know that you cannot force individuals to go to a shelter. But they have no right to trespass on MBTA property, inconveniencing commuters and making our neighborhood and entire city look stupid or worse.



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I doubt those homeless folks are trying to ruin your walk home. You are not that important.

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He's more concerned about property values considering if the homeless hang out around the North End, he won't be able to justify obscene rents to yuppies who insist on the convenience of walking to work in every weather.

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Are you really trying to take a shot at people who want to walk to work instead of putting up with the joke that is the MBTA?

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Sorry, it was an unexplained quip that I care not to explain. Believe it or not, walking to your job is considered a luxury. It was also a jab at people who insist on being "authentically urban" and take the T and walk everywhere while complaining about unshoveled sidewalks and disabled trolleys, not that their complaints are unfounded.

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When walking to work is a "luxury" compared with the norm of having exclusive private use of a $30,000 automobile

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That tax-paying citizens expect that some of those snow-removal tax dollars they contribute to through property tax actually be spent on removing snow from sidewalks!

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Because it's a moronic complaint by someone who seems like they're just looking for something to complain about. So people who live in the city want to be "authentically urban"? Does that mean someone living in Newton wants to be "authentically suburban"? What a dumb phrase.

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You're frustrated that people INSIST on walking to work in every weather?

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Damn yuppies with their legs that work, their disposable income from not having a car and their smaller carbon footprints! Who do they think they are, anyways, with their absurd lifestyle that doesn't involve sitting in traffic for two hours every day and their added exercise and increased life expectancy?

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Is if the police throw these poor souls out in the frigid cold instead of letting them sleep in the station or not taking them to a shelter

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Whenever the temperature goes below a certain point, both BPD and TPD officers get repeated radio calls to look out for homeless people and try to get them into shelters. The problem is that some of these people don't want to go.

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When was the last time one of those completely non-functional fellas who got kicked out of mental institutions thanks to the overly-PC crowd got to sleep on your 100% organic hemp sheets, eat your granola and drink your kombucha? I'm willing to bet this month's paycheck the answer is "never." I don't know about you, but most people don't like the idea of having a large group who can get spitty, punchy and stabby in a hurry if they miss taking their meds congregating at a T stop.

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most people don't like the idea of having a large group who can get spitty, punchy and stabby in a hurry

Could you provide some evidence that this is an actual problem, rather than your own paranoid ravings?

Consider as well that many folks at UHub contribute money and, in some cases, time to help those lacking a permanent residence.

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those completely non-functional fellas

Where I come from, we call them "people".

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As opposed to anon commentators, whose opinions don't carry much weight here.

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I'm confused about these "spitty, punchy and stabby" homeless people you're talking about. I walk by Haymarket every day and if I'm taking the T, it's my stop. I've never seen a violent or even loud homeless person there. There are 3-4 regulars that sit around, not in front of the steps or the elevator. But I've never even seen an aggressive pan handler, let alone someone getting stabby. Even the original report doesn't say they're violent, just that he finds them an inconvenience.

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It's the homeless people who make the neighbohood look stupid or worse. Got it.

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Is an absolute disgrace.

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And if you read the comments, the North End community agrees with you.

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the North End community agrees "wit you's".

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So if the police, the courts and the newspapers do nothing, what is our next course of action.... Murder?

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Send in the scoops!

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So if the police, the courts and the newspapers do nothing, what is our next course of action....


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Coming Soon: Jim Salini's Old Italian Solyent Green Pasta Shoppe

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the world was a perfect place where homeless people of all colors and creeds leapt up the minute you commanded them to and magically just moved over to the field of dreams that you apparently left your humanity at.

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I will at the same time call the press.

"Yes? Reporter? There are some homeless ruffians sleeping on pub--hello??"

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Its sad that a civil leader can think the way you do.in all reality you should be ashamed of yourself like really if you feel that way help them get into a homeless shelter there's numbers to call for people to get picked up off the streets just because your probably living the fancy lifestyle right now imagine if you or one of your loved ones were in that situation.Instead of trying to go to court to press charges hey your a civil worker if you guys can help put drug addicts in nice houses in Boston why not some one that's less fortunate. I wish there were alot that can be done against people like your self,and the other hypocrites like what is the judge going to do give them 30 days in jail for it maybe then they would be off the streets with some where to live. I wish I was a judge cause I would laugh at you an throw you out the court room buy hey then again not all judges handle situations fairly.Theres far more things to worry about like the city and people who work for the city that really shouldn't than for some one to be homeless!!!!Corrupted civil leaders,a few police officers,judges,lawyers,civil leaders and the list goes on.

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I hope he steps in dog shit, that a neighbor didn't clean up.

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Never heard of him either

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Seriously, you piece of garbage. Get a hobby or a job or something.

The worst homeless person I ever met criticized me for not giving him enough change, and I wasn't even remotely compelled to call 911 on him. Maybe rip the cup from his hand and throw it down the block, but not call 911. You wanna pick fights? Take up MMA.

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North End people problems....

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Jimmy boy...they have as much right to be on MBTA property as you do.....

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But for the grace of God, there go I...

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...is the part where he comes by one day and they're all awake, so he finally decides to say something.... to a T worker inside. I guess the horror of having to speak to a homeless person would have been even worse than having to "step around" them.

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This guy is a complete tool. What sewer did he crawl out of?

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This individual should be concerned more about tripping over an oversized north end rat outside his luxury condo than tripping over a homeless person laying on the ground outside haymarket mbta stop.As long as I can remember growing up in Boston, homeless people have always stood out in front of MBTA train stations, all of a sudden laws should be changed about where a person (Homeless person)could stand or sit in public...

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