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It's ghoulish on the Green Line this morning; your commute is going to die aborning

Green Line refugees on the Orange Line at Back Bay

Back Bay: Orange Line now reporting delays due to all the Green Line refugees. Photo by Alexander Zafris.

One of those dreaded "track issues" means no service at all between Arlington and Haymarket. Use the Orange Line, the T advises, and pray it doesn't die, too.

Jason Greeley reported at 8:20:

Broken rail at Boylston, no shuttle, stuck for half an hour in a tunnel.

UPDATE, 8:49 a.m.: And now the entire E line is dead and the T is advising that "Orange Line experiencing moderate delays due to heavy ridership as a result of the Green Line track issue."

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A T employee at Cleveland Circle is telling us that they're busing between Kenmore and Park Street, and is strongly suggesting getting off at Coolidge Corner to get a bus. Personally I'm just going to walk to Copley from Kenmore.

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And the driver just said a broken rail at Boylston is the culprit. Yay.

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I was on a trolly at Copley. Driver stated that the wheel fell of a trolley at Park Street.

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OK, that's epic.

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for our entire public transit system.

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...pretty much all the north side commuter rail lines have issues of some kind (slippery rail, few mechanical failures, signal problems, etc.). Happy Friday!

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This just in:

Green Line E branch service suspended between Northeastern and Heath St. Please use Route 39 bus ...

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This just even innier:

E Branch: Update: Suspended btwn Prudential & Heath

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because Kenmore announcement was no buses available yet, after my D train emptied out there.
Not how I planned to begin the day.
Lots of people for company, however, walking the whole length of Back Bay.
Thanks for the morning exercise, MBTA.

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...Green Line Is Broken.

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This happens so much - is there a way to get people to walk up to Beacon Hill and start making noise instead?

I realize that everyone needs to get to their jobs and work ... but I wonder what would happen if people just got fed up enough to take it to the hill and deal with the root causes of the problem?


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If Charlie Baker becomes governor, it might come to that because he'll slash funding even lower.

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You're dreaming that Coakley would be good for transit. She ignored Mulhern's corruption at GM and pension fund manager. Do you really think she has any interest in the system at all?

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Coakley is in favor of commuter rail to New Bedford and Fall River. Money spent on that is money that won't be spent on fixing the existing system.

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Swirly - isn't your T-loving friend from Amherst about to become Senate president?

I think that Baker understands that a working public transit system is vital for continued economic growth. I would not be surprised to hear a reprise of "fix it first" though, which truthfully, is fine with me (but I don't live on the South Coast). It will be easier to build support for expanded public transit and intercity rail when the T et al can demonstrate that what we already have can be well run.

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Just lovely.

Sounds like some civil insurrection will be in order.

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Perhaps the new leadership role will broaden perspective, or, at least, will get us better and more frequent (1x per day? wtf?) rail service between Boston and Springfield.

I'm surprised that Sen. Rosenberg's ascendance to the senate presidency has not been more widely discussed.

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And what does his rise to power have to do with MBTA?

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Mr. "where's my relief money" Rosenberg?

Mr. "we won't subsidize Boston so I'm gutting the MBTA" Rosenberg?

Easy enough to look up the damage he has done to Eastern MA with his "fuckwad funding" of the T. As in every single day.

Next time there's a disaster that affects a few thousand people in his area, our reps should tell him no, we won't subsidize them. Because that's the way the money flows, actually.

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The Speaker of the House doesn't care. Therefor nothing will be done.

People stand up and give 10+ hours of testimony and still are ignored on bills. Do you really think most of the legislature cares what the little people think anymore? They run unopposed at the ballot box and know it.

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