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The T

By adamg - 1/16/24 - 3:12 pm

Update: MBTA reports problem fixed, service to resume.

It's bustitution for Ashmont Line riders because of something wrong with a third rail at JFK/UMass the MBTA reports.

By adamg - 1/16/24 - 1:05 pm
Jeffrey Stewart

Transit Police report arresting a man at Haymarket station on Sunday night because, they say, he was "harassing other passengers" with his pet rats - Tom and Jerry. Read more.

By schneidz - 1/14/24 - 10:31 am
gotta' go fast

i came across this m.b.t.a. planet while playing xkcd 'escape speed':

spoiler alert:
there are blue line, red line, orange line, green line tokens to be picked up at various boston themed locations on other planets. then you must guide your ship to kendall/m.i.t. to pick up a hyper-drive.

By adamg - 1/9/24 - 9:23 am
Depressed Red Line riders after they have to exit train

Johnmcboston reported on the situation on the Red Line at Park around 7 a.m.:

The joys of the morning Red Line commute. 15 minute wait, then train out of service.

By adamg - 1/7/24 - 10:19 pm
Man wanted for slicing somebody at Wellington

Surveillance photos of Wellington suspect via TPD.

Transit Police report they are looking for a guy they say sliced a man with a knife at the Wellington Orange Line stop around 5:30 a.m. on Dec. 29. Read more.

By adamg - 1/6/24 - 7:20 pm

A smoking electrical wire at Chinatown this afternoon forced the shutdown of the Orange Line - which the T had been promoting as a downtown alternative for the Green Line, which is shut for repairs. Read more.

By adamg - 1/2/24 - 1:02 pm
One side of the clock at Forest Hills is about 10 minutes fast

A concerned citizen files a 311 complaint about one of the clock faces in the tower at the Forest Hills MBTA station: Read more.

By adamg - 1/1/24 - 9:15 pm

Mattapan Line riders had to take a bus for most of the day because of a cavalcade of trolley problems today. WCVB reports that when a trolley died at Butler this morning, the T sent out another trolley to try to push it to the Mattapan yard. But then that trolley died. So the T sent out a third trolley to push the two newly deceased trolleys down the short line. It died, too.

By adamg - 12/28/23 - 2:50 pm

The MBTA alerts us, and more important, Green Line riders:

Following up on the previous announcement from December 21, the MBTA is today reminding riders that Green Line service on the B branch between North Station and Babcock Street, on the E branch between North Station and Heath Street, and on the C and D branches between North Station and Kenmore station will be suspended all day from start to end of service for 10 days from January 3-12 and for 13 days from January 16- 28.

By adamg - 12/23/23 - 8:58 pm
Versa on the train tracks

Photo of the offending Versa by TPD.

Transit Police report the B Line was knocked out of commission for about 45 minutes around 9 p.m. on Wednesday after a driver somehow wound up facing towards Newton on the inbound tracks at Commonwealth Avenue and St. Thomas More Road. The driver of the diminutive sedan told police "he took a wrong turn and ended up stuck on the tracks." No injuries, at least.

By adamg - 12/15/23 - 12:02 pm

The Most Dangerous Subway in America

Wendover Productions takes a look at the state of the T and, in addition to the stuff we all know about, gets into issues such as the "radial" nature of our subway lines (no crosstown service to allow for alternate service during shutdowns, no service to help people get around if they're not going downtown).

By adamg - 12/14/23 - 9:54 am
Surveillance photos of man with large juice container, gray jacket with OW in big letters and peach sneakers

Surveillance photos via TPD.

Transit Police report they are looking for a guy in a rather distinctive getup who they say "struck another passenger without provocation/warning" on a Green Line trolley near Government Center around 6 p.m. on Nov. 13.

If Letter Guy looks familiar, contact detectives at 617-222-1050.

By adamg - 12/11/23 - 6:21 pm

Around 3:10 p.m., a man fell on the inbound Red Line tracks at Broadway. A rider reports two men jumped down on the track to try to get him off, but he wasn't moving. T workers and police were able to get him off the tracks and service resumed.

By adamg - 12/10/23 - 3:16 pm
People boarding Charon's ferry across the Styx

The T won't be re-enacting Doré's vision of a ferry ride of the damned. Source.

The MBTA reports it's canceled its morning ferries tomorrow due to anticipated high winds and rough seas.

The Hingham ferry should resume service at 11 a.m., the Hingham/Hull/Logan ferry at 2 and the Charlestown ferry at noon, the T says.

By adamg - 12/9/23 - 2:45 pm

Work to "regauge" most of the Green Line Extension that was supposed to be done by Monday instead will take another week to finish, the MBTA announced yesterday. Read more.

By Sasha Patkin - 12/7/23 - 9:29 am
The cast of T: An MBTA Musical

The cast of T: An MBTA Musical. Photo by Dan Fox.

Loving to hate the absurd incompetence of the T is a time-honored Boston tradition as old as the train itself. The cathartic experience of venting about the T is a bonding and a uniting force of frustration in a diverse city, as easy to spark a conversation with as talking about the weather.

T: An MBTA Musical proudly carries on this tradition. Read more.

By adamg - 12/6/23 - 9:21 am

Around 9 a.m., the MBTA reported Green Line delays of about 15 minutes due to a trolley that decided, no, the show must not go on, near Arlington.

By adamg - 12/4/23 - 9:42 am

At 6:58 a.m., the MBTA reported Orange Line riders could expect delays due to one of the brand-new trains suffering an embarrassing "mechanical issue" at Malden Center. The T updated at 7:28 a.m. that service was back to the new normal.

By adamg - 12/4/23 - 9:36 am

The MBTA reports it's started running trolleys to and from Union Square again, but that service on the stubbier end of the Green Line Extension remains slow because of a signal issue near Lechmere.

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