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Storrow Drive

By adamg - 2/25/15 - 10:12 am
Moron driver on Storrow Drive

Brian Vogel reports he drove with this guy "from Back Bay to Storrow and onto 93s."

A mobile snowbank on Huntington Avenue.

By adamg - 2/4/15 - 11:21 am
Emergency crews on the BU Bridge

First responders looking down from BU Bridge. Photo by Rodney French.

Updated, 2:15 p.m.

Damian Drella reports:

BU Bridge over Storrrow Drive female just fell off the bridge down to storrrow serious injuries.emergency responders scrambling.

State Police report:

The 22-year-old woman suffered serious injuries. She was conscious and alert when transported to Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Whether the fall was accidental or intentional remains part of an ongoing State Police investigation.

By adamg - 2/3/15 - 3:48 pm
Bad traffic on Rutherford Avenue in Charlestown

Cram and jam on inbound Rutherford Avenue in Charlestown. Photo by Tucc06.

Because it's sounding like downtown and surrounding areas are at gridlock right now - and it can't possibly be because of people heading to the Beanpot, can it?

Jaci reports:

Two lanes are trying to exit at Charles MGH off Storrow. Those two lanes are not moving.

Ashley Steriti adds:

Revere to Back Bay via car. 75 minutes and still in the tunnel. Can't even see the light of Storrow Drive yet

By adamg - 1/13/15 - 7:50 am
Mess on Storrow Drive in Boston

Storrow Drive around 7:25 a.m. Photo by Scott Lovejoy.

At least a couple crashes turned Storrow Drive into a parking lot this morning, with one major crash at the BU Bridge shutting Storrow westbound altogether.

Photo of the crash.

By adamg - 1/5/15 - 2:10 pm

Anne Mostue reports a truck is wedged under the BU Bridge, which explains why State Police have blocked the ramp inbound in Allston.

By adamg - 12/10/14 - 3:53 pm
Car on fire on Storrow Drive

Patrick Marshall captured the moment when a car near the inbound end of Storrow Drive burst into flames, around 3:15 p.m.

By adamg - 11/21/14 - 9:02 am

Matt Soleyn reports that around 8:50 a.m., a bus from Fairfield University was about a half-mile before the Fenway exit inbound:

Trying to backup on Storrow Drive East in rush hour. At least it didn't hit an overpass.

By adamg - 11/20/14 - 6:08 pm

A bus driver who decided, what the hell, and plowed right through one of those CARS ONLY signs discovered just in time that the BU Bridge inbound would not let him pass. Naturally, at rush hour, this was a bit less than optimal for all the drivers behind him. Or as Eddy S. tweeted at 6 p.m.:

Been in the same spot for about 15 mins under western ave bridge. If you can exit do it!

By adamg - 11/14/14 - 9:38 am

Forlorn bus by the side of the road. Photo by Raymond Ausrotas.

Shortly after 9 a.m., the looming BU Bridge helped the driver of one of those big tour buses suddenly realized that maybe those signs at the entrance to Soldiers Field Drive were for reals and he probably shouldn't have gotten on the road.

J. Alain Ferry reports. Fortunately for the drivers behind him, he was able to pull over into one of those rare break-down spots along the road.

By adamg - 11/7/14 - 4:31 pm

State Police report a truck storrowed on Storrow Drive outbound at the Longfellow Bridge and got wedged in real good around 3:30 p.m. All of its remains were hauled away by 4:20 p.m., however.

By adamg - 11/6/14 - 9:49 am
Near Storrowing on Storrow Drive in Boston

Christopher was among the commuters who had plenty of time to ponder the issue on the ramp to Storrow Drive from I-93 this morning, when a truck driver suddenly realized that, hey, that sign wasn't fooling.

By adamg - 10/24/14 - 10:21 am

The Boston Courant reports state transportation officials are working on plans to stick both sides of Storrow Drive under a Longfellow Bridge arch, which would let Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary expand one of its buildings and dig a new parking garage under the current Infirmary parking lot in exchange for giving up the parking lot for the new road alignment and new parkland (Ed. note: Link goes to a JPG image of the article, because the Courant remains one of the few newspapers in America to resist the Web).

By adamg - 10/15/14 - 9:27 am

No bridges were harmed in the making of this crash.

By adamg - 10/7/14 - 2:58 pm
Burned up car on Storrow Drive in Boston

Dia captured the remains of the car that caught fire around 1:45 p.m. on Storrow Drive near Charles Circle - after she watched the car burn. She reports the driver made it out OK.

Flaming car on Storrow Drive
By adamg - 9/26/14 - 8:24 am

WBZ takes a look at truck drivers using smartphone-based GPSes rather than getting more expensive systems aimed at truckers that include hazards such as, oh, Storrow Drive.

Ed. note: But let's not forget that cheapo GPSes are making car drivers stupider, too.

By adamg - 9/25/14 - 8:43 am
Storrowed truck at Bowker Overpass

Ric Duarte was among commuters who had plenty of time this morning to consider the impressive sardine-canning of a truck whose driver learned the Bowker Overpass is not meant for his ilk.

Antoinette Antonio reports the box truck is wedged in nice and tight, so it's going to take some work to get it out.

State Police report the driver suffered minor injuries.

By adamg - 9/21/14 - 11:14 am

Greg Hum spotted this bicycle built for five on Storrow Drive this morning during the annual Hub on Wheels.

SouthieSpots captured the start of the tours - which ranged from 10 to 50 miles around Boston - this morning at City Hall:

By adamg - 9/18/14 - 8:54 am

Well, seems Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was in town today. And as befits somebody of his august position, naturally, he stayed at the Ritz and got a motorcade full of Escalades that, of course, got a full police escort and had Storrow Drive blocked at rush hour?

His public schedule.notes he and his entourage will do it all again tomorrow, starting at Harvard at 9 and then across the Charles back into Boston for an 11 a.m. grip-and-grin with Tom Menino and a bunch of college presidents at BU. River-road motorists take note.

By adamg - 9/7/14 - 1:02 pm
Rental truck stuck on Storrow Drive in Boston

Roving UHub photography Anthony Macchi couldn't rove very far around 11:30 this morning thanks to the driver of a U-Haul truck that suddenly realized he or she wasn't going to come out of the Storrow tunnel unscathed.

"Thought we were in the clear after the 1st," he writes.

By adamg - 9/1/14 - 10:33 am
Stuck truck on Storrow Drive in Boston

A truck driver with cat-like reflexes managed to avoid a full storrowing around 10:30 a.m. Michael Cotrone was on hand to record the scene and, who knows, sell commemorative copies to the driver.

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