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state senate

By adamg - 8/27/10 - 8:14 am

The South End News reports on a debate between one-term incumbent state Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz and Democratic challenger Hassan Williams.

By adamg - 6/22/10 - 10:58 pm

David Bernstein notes certain aspects of do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do-ness in Charles Rudnick's primary battle against state Sen. Cynthia Creem of Newton, such as saying he wouldn't take money from lobbyists, only to take money from lobbyists.

By adamg - 5/29/10 - 9:32 am

The West Roxbury state rep and would-be Marian Walsh replacement issues a statement to Wicked Local West Roxbury that basically says he's innocent, but can't say more because "I was questioned concerning a civil lawsuit against the state involving my dad and the trial court."

By adamg - 5/11/10 - 10:08 pm

Wicked Local Needham reports Richard Ross is the new state senator in Brown's old district.

By adamg - 5/10/10 - 4:30 pm

Massachusetts Election 2010 reports how Rush, a West Roxbury state rep who wants to replace state Sen. Marian Walsh, used the budget process to get back at a judge he feels slighted his father, a retired probation officer.

By adamg - 4/25/10 - 12:43 pm

Mike Ball notes state Rep. Lida Harkins seems content to let a Republican keep Scott Brown's old seat in the state Senate now that she's not the Democratic nominee:

... Now, after losing the primary, Harkins certainly knew the expected and right and civilized thing to do was to congratulate the winner and endorse him in the final. Instead, she says, "I'm staying out of the race altogether." Low brow and low class...

By HarryMattison - 3/27/10 - 9:08 am

The Allston Brighton North Neighbors Forum (ABNNF) hosted a forum attended by the 7 candidates running in the special election for the Middlesex, Suffolk and Essex state senate district. The video can be viewed at http://allston02134.blogspot.com/2010/03/state-senate-forum-video.html

By adamg - 3/1/10 - 8:28 am

Wayne Wilson announces campaign on Blue Mass. Group. For gay marriage, against death penalty, wants to peg minimum wage to inflation and would reform CORI.

By adamg - 2/10/10 - 9:13 am

Sal DiDomenico explains why voters of the Middlesex, Suffolk and Essex state senate district should vote for him in the special elections to replace Galluccio.

By adamg - 2/9/10 - 3:21 pm

BigCoast Guard escorting an LNG tanker last summer.

Dan Hill, who lives near Boston Harbor and is running for state senate in a district that includes Chelsea and Everett, says the state should do everything it can to try to keep LNG tankers out of Boston Harbor - especially Yemeni ones - and phase out the Distrigas natural-gas terminal in Everett in favor of a new facility in Naragansett Bay:

Hill noted that for new LNG ports the Coast Guard requires "security zones" restricting movement within 1,000 yards on either side of an LNG tanker, a standard that could not possibly be met in Boston Harbor. "I find it disturbing that safety requirements for new facilities apparently do not need to be met for existing facilities."

By adamg - 2/5/10 - 1:19 pm

Bizarre Foods guy Andrew Zimmern endorses Michael Albano in the special state-senate election:

My childhood pal Michael Albano is running for State Senator in Massachusetts, and in heady times like these I think it is crucial that we support progressive democrats like Michael. ...

Via Wicked Local Cambridge.

By adamg - 2/1/10 - 9:14 am

In addition to West Roxbury state Rep. Mike Rush, state Reps. Paul McMurtry of Dedham and John Rogers of Norwood are looking at possible runs, the Herald reports. Wicked Local West Roxbury, though, says McMurtry has already scratched himself from the race.

By adamg - 1/29/10 - 1:57 pm

Conor Yunits crunches the numbers from Scott Brown's victory and thinks that based on them:

[T]here could be as many as 25 Senate seats in play this year (assuming the Republican party can mount a successful candidate recruitment drive).

That's pretty impressive given that a) there are only 40 Senate seats in the whole state and b) there are only five Republican state senators right now (and one of them's about to leave for Washington).

By adamg - 1/28/10 - 2:25 pm

Won't take on Mike Rush for Marian Walsh's Suffolk and Norfolk state-senate seat, the Jamaica Plain Gazette reports.

By adamg - 1/27/10 - 3:42 pm

Wicked Local West Roxbury breaks the news on the Suffolk and Norfolk State Senator. What this means for voters so far is a choice between a Republican and a Democrat who should be a Republican.

By adamg - 1/27/10 - 8:48 am

Say hello to Brad Williams, an investment adviser from West Roxbury. He joins Democrat Mike Rush in the race; Walsh has yet to declare her intentions.

Via ParkwayBoston.com.

By adamg - 1/26/10 - 4:13 pm

Cambridge News Weekly (yeah, that's a new one for me, too) reports that progressive Democrat and small shopowner Michael Albano is now running for the seat left vacant when Anthony Galluccio resigned on account of being in jail.

By adamg - 1/21/10 - 2:12 pm

Ed Coppinger reports; latest sign the West Roxbury state senator won't be seeking re-election this year?

By adamg - 1/15/10 - 8:13 am

The Chelsea Record introduces us to Tim Flaherty, reprising his 2007 run for the seat held by Anthony Galluccio, only this time without Galluccio.

By adamg - 1/13/10 - 2:13 pm

Wicked Local Somerville reports the state has set April 13 for primaries and May 11 for the final election to replace year-in-jail former state Sen. Anthony Galluccio.

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