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By adamg - 10/4/06 - 4:50 pm


... Dedicated to the city of Boston, this website continues to reclaim public space by empowering EVERYONE to "HOLLA BACK" at street harassers. ...

Via tgic.

Ed. Web observation: Red, dark-blue and gray text on a black background are not your friends.

By adamg - 10/3/06 - 9:30 am

So pressing that Ryan McGee asked it of two women in a Central Square bar last night (after fortifying himself with eight beers):

Is monogamy a natural state?

By adamg - 9/27/06 - 1:42 pm

Amy: They are cheap and aggressive. Not like those nice guys down in Providence.

By adamg - 9/25/06 - 3:38 pm

Matt Hooker finds himself the object of some probing attention by a woman twice his age today.

By adamg - 9/17/06 - 1:15 pm

Seedofeve, who is black, doesn't know why more white men seem to be coming onto her of late, but wishes they would stop.

By adamg - 9/16/06 - 9:06 am

Well, more like a guy trying to bully the girl into coming with him. In any case, Single Girl in the City watches it all and wonders what she should have done about it:

... "LAURA!!" he yelled, walking towards the young petite blonde girl who had just sat next to me. The guy yelling was a big guy, and his presence filled the middle section of the train.

As he ambled towards her, he continued loudly, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

She quietly said, almost in a whisper, "nothing..."

By adamg - 9/13/06 - 5:32 pm

Moxie: Tom Cruise would love this city:

He could throw out his expensive shoes with the not-so-hidden lifts and walk with his head held high. Why are there so many short men in Boston? And why was the short guy who insisted on standing RIGHT in front of me wearing so much cologne? ...

By adamg - 9/10/06 - 12:24 am

Public wedding

Yesterday was a beautiful day to get married in the Public Garden. Around 4 p.m., we happened to be headed toward the bridge to meet up with some family members. Resting for a moment there, with a large flat of juice and soft-drink bottles, was a clearly frazzled woman in an elegant black dress. "Which way is the wedding?" she implored. I pointed to the wedding above. "No, not that one," she said. Turned out she was a wedding planner and she couldn't find the right wedding - there were four going on at once in the park.

The woman and her father above turned onto a path just before the bridge, right where our very own Sammy Davis Jr. impersonator was playing. When he saw the bride, he graciously stopped playing until they got to the wedding party - far enough away that his music wouldn't interfere with their ceremony.

By adamg - 9/4/06 - 9:18 pm

Forget all that beer crap. Paul Day discovers a real section of the Man Code: Men don't let other men buy them charcoal.

By fibrowitch - 8/31/06 - 1:17 am

Just wanted to drop a note here for the launch of the revamped dog boston web site.


By adamg - 8/23/06 - 3:03 pm

Congratulations to eeka and Molly.

By barryfreed - 8/22/06 - 3:26 pm

Recently single TellHimFred wonders about the Boston Center for Adult Education's class entitled "Cooking for Singles," and whether the class will help him learn to cook better meals, or if it's meant to (like the description of the course says) "meet that "special someone" while chopping carrots."
Commenters have added their own class ideas, including:

  • The Gourmet Recluse
  • Haute Cuisine for Hermits
  • Lunch for the Loner?
  • Dinner for the Detached?
  • Breakfast for bachelors/bachelorettes?
By adamg - 8/21/06 - 12:02 pm

Jolie and her camera somehow survive the Filene's Basement bridal sale:

... MY LORD! An uglier display of humanity I have never seen. The meanest, nastiest, cattiest side of every single woman in that warehouse was on display. And would that unfortunate personality traits were the only vile thing on display – you cannot imagine the horror show that was the choice undergarments these ladies selected. ...

By adamg - 8/15/06 - 7:21 pm

It's the video behind the video as Dave Alpert and friends make it there on time despite getting lost in East Boston.

By adamg - 8/2/06 - 8:48 am

Mike illustrates how there's a right time and a wrong time for everything. He's in his garden at the Fenway Victory Gardens, tending his flowers, when a guy tries to pick him up:

He was like, "I want some seeds."

I said, "what kind of seeds are you looking for?"

He was like, "Your seeds, man!'

Mmm, nice."

He's like, "You gotta gimme credit for that line, man. It took me, like, ten minutes to think of it." ...

By adamg - 7/10/06 - 8:08 pm

When you're in a funk, nothing beats watching couples on the T and wondering how their relationships will end. Even that silver-haired couple who's obviously still in love after all these decades, Spatch reports.

By adamg - 6/26/06 - 7:44 pm

Josh Ourisman is quitting his job in San Francisco and moving to our fair Hub (well, Cambridge, anyway). He's blogging the transition:

... This blog is my official chronicle of the process of quitting my job, moving across the country (from San Francisco to Boston), moving in with my girlfriend, and going into business for myself all at once. I like to think of it as a social experiment in exactly how far I can pursue success along a path entirely of my own choosing. ...

By adamg - 6/18/06 - 6:19 pm

On Grand Mental Station, Beth describes the culture shock of attending her first Muslim wedding.

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