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By adamg - 5/31/20 - 5:19 pm
Boston clergy in silent vigil outside police HQ for same number of minutes as George Floyd suffered

Boston clergy stood or kneeled in silence today outside Boston Police headquarters for nine minutes - the same amount of time a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on George Floyd's neck, killing him. Photo by MiMu.

By adamg - 5/19/20 - 10:23 am

The Archdiocese of Boston announced this morning that parishes that take certain steps could re-open for Masses as early as Saturday evening. Read more.

By adamg - 5/18/20 - 10:44 pm

The Massachusetts Council of Churches is not real happy with Gov. Baker's decision to let churches re-open immediately, even with some limitations, despite evidence they have sometimes turned into breeding grounds for coronavirus. Read more.

By adamg - 5/17/20 - 10:49 pm

The Massachusetts Municipal Association has gotten a copy of at least some of Gov. Baker's planned orders for easing pandemic restrictions, which he will announce tomorrow at his daily press conference. Read more.

By adamg - 5/1/20 - 6:33 pm

A federal judge today rejected a plea by onetime Bulger lieutenant Edward MacKenzie that he be allowed to serve the last three years of a twelve-year extortion sentence at home because he suffers from a frequently stuffed nose and high blood pressure - and because he wants to care for his orphaned grandson. Read more.

By adamg - 4/30/20 - 1:31 pm
Woman praying outside closed church in Dorchester

Brianne Fitzgerald spotted a woman kneeling in prayer outside St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church on Columbia Road this morning.

By adamg - 4/26/20 - 8:55 pm

The Theodore Parker Church, 1859 Centre St. goes before fhe Boston Landmarks Commission on Tuesday to seek permission to install 48 solar panels on the roof ot its parish hall, located on Corey Street behind the main church building.

Because of the current pandemic, the meeting will be held on Zoom, starting at 4 p.m.

By adamg - 4/16/20 - 10:05 am

MassLive.com reports the Jew-hating alleged idiot tried to burn down a nursing home in East Longmeadow earlier this month by using a Christian religious pamphlet as a wick to light a five-gallon canister filled with gasoline, only the pamphlet stopped burning before the canister could catch on fire, which let investigators use DNA from the blood he somehow dripped on the pamphlet to connect him to the canister.

By adamg - 4/8/20 - 8:37 pm

The Jewish Journal, which has covered the Jewish communities of greater Boston since 1977, is seeking $150,000 to make up money it expects to lose in coming weeks due to Covid-19-related issues - both the loss of advertising revenue and the need to cancel an annual spring fundraiser. Publisher and Editor Steven Rosenberg said he's managed to make $50,000 in cuts and is applying for emergency SBA loans, but that even with that, the bi-weekly newspaper is suddenly in dire straits.

By adamg - 4/7/20 - 8:27 am
Antisemitic suspect

Surveillance photos via Brookline PD.

Brookline Police report they are looking for a Russian-speaking choad who sprayed the Chabad Center, 496 Harvard St., with antisemitic graffiti - in Russian - and his failed attempted at a swastika around 1:40 a.m. on Sunday. Read more.

By adamg - 3/29/20 - 6:33 pm

The Rev. Laura Everett was giving a Zoom sermon this morning for the First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain on lessons from the death of Lazarus in the age of coronavirus when some racist and homophobic Zoombombers showed up. Read more.

By adamg - 3/27/20 - 9:03 am

In a letter to parishioners, the Archdiocese of Boston says they can eat meat on Fridays because of Covid-19 circumstances: Read more.

By adamg - 3/14/20 - 6:23 am

The Massachusetts Council of Churches has produced a guide.

By adamg - 3/13/20 - 10:17 pm

The Archdiocese of Boston announced today: Read more.

By adamg - 3/13/20 - 11:15 am

Nine Orthodox congregations in the Boston area are telling members they are shutting their buildings at 3 p.m. - and are urging congregants not to form minyans in people's homes, since that would defeat the goal of trying to keep people apart through social distancing. Read more.

By adamg - 3/13/20 - 9:01 am

The Dorchester Reporter reports on Cardinal Sean O'Malley's Covid-19 announcement.

Communion will still be distributed at Masses, but O'Malley said that the church would be "temporarily suspending distribution of communion on the tongue and invite the faithful to reverently receive the Eucharist in their hand."

By adamg - 3/12/20 - 12:33 pm

ICNA Relief will distribute toilet paper and household cleaners to low-income families at a new "specialty pantry" at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury Crossing between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturday. Read more.

By adamg - 3/9/20 - 10:16 am

Young Israel of Brookline announced yesterday that it's canceled tonight's Purim festivities - which would have included a children's parade and communal meal - "based on the advice of medical professionals and due to an abundance of caution." Read more.

By adamg - 3/1/20 - 5:50 pm

Wicked Local Marblehead reports that on Feb. 20, somebody called 911 to report a nun walking out of a store. Yeah, and? Well, "it wasn’t a correct uniform for this time" and the caller wanted to alert police "how out of place the nun appeared not wearing the typical garb."

H/t Stefan E.

By adamg - 2/15/20 - 2:42 pm
Stars of David on Shawmut Avenue doors

From 311 this morning comes two reports of yellow Stars of David being spraypainted on front doors of residences on Shawmut Avenue between West Newton and West Concord streets.

I don't think there are non-nefarious reasons to spray stars of David...

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