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By adamg - 3/28/14 - 9:12 am
Royal Arcanum in Boston

Boston is home to several insurers, but they all have pretty boring names - except for the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum on Batterymarch Street downtown.

It sounds like some sort of fraternal organization, which, in fact, it is, but one that exists primarily to provide burial benefits and insurance to its members.

By adamg - 3/26/14 - 9:48 am

Transit Police report arresting a man they say was brought to ground by Red Line riders who heard a woman struggling with him as he tried to grab her purse.

Cesar Gonzalez, 26, police say, followed a woman off a Red Line train around 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday and reached for her purse:

The victim held tightly onto her purse and was yelling for help. At this time several good Samaritans heard the victim screaming and came to her aid tackling Gonzalez to the floor and restraining him until the police arrived.

By adamg - 3/25/14 - 6:17 pm
Crammed in at South Station on the Red Line

David Finnerty had some time to get to know fellow riders at South Station.

A train died at Downtown Crossing around 5:30 p.m., as of 6:15 p.m., riders trying to head south were still being thwarted.

Mike Long reports his train just sat outside Charles/MGH for 10 minutes before finally pulling in.

Party Orca surveyed the human gridlock at Downtown Crossing:

Traffic onto the Red Line southbound at DTX is backed up to the escalator to Orange Line to Oak Grove. Turn back now and have a beer.

By adamg - 3/25/14 - 4:32 pm

The National Weather Service has issued a coastal flood advisory for tomorrow, starting at 6 a.m.:


By adamg - 3/23/14 - 8:23 pm
Government Center MBTA station under construction

The current Government Center bunker, um, T stop went up in the early 1960s as part of the transformation of Scollay Square into Government Center.

By adamg - 3/22/14 - 10:12 am
Government Center graffiti

ElmerCat catalogued the fond graffiti people left on the walls of the Government Center T stop in the hours before it shut for a two-year re-do.

Copyright ElmerCat. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 3/21/14 - 1:49 pm
Scollary Square sign at Government Center

Photo by MBTA.

Workers today carefully removed the "Scollay Under" tiled sign from a Blue Line wall at the Government Center station today. The T reports it'll be put in storage and then replastered to a wall in the renovated station when it opens in two years.

By adamg - 3/21/14 - 11:07 am
Government Center MBTA station

Paul Nutting provides a last glimpse of the Government Center T stop before it shuts tomorrow for two years of renovation work that will transform the1960s bomb shelter into a sleek glass paean to modern transportation - but one without popcorn.

By adamg - 3/20/14 - 8:03 am

They're not switching and traffic is becoming a mess.

By adamg - 3/19/14 - 5:45 pm
State Street crowding

Tim Lawrence shows us the scene at State Street around 5:20 p.m., where trains are being slowed by recalcitrant switches.

Oh, and by the way: Government Center shuts for two years this week.

By adamg - 3/18/14 - 3:00 pm

A Boston Municipal Court judge today ordered Kevin Jones of Dorchester for a mental-health evaluation at his arraignment on a charge of attempted arson at the Grand Lodge of Masons at Tremont and Boylston streets yesterday.

By adamg - 3/18/14 - 12:19 pm

Transit Police report arresting an Arlington man last night for an incident on an inbound Orange Line train they say started with him hurling insults at two women and escalated to him trying to rob them, spitting at them and waving his fists at them.

Police say a male passenger managed to get ahold of Richard Botelho, 43, and keep him from moving until police could arrive at the Haymarket Orange Line platform around 8:45 p.m.

By adamg - 3/18/14 - 5:45 am

The Boston Fire Department reports a man tried to burn down the lodge at the corner of Tremont and Boylston streets around 7:45 p.m. on Monday:

By adamg - 3/17/14 - 9:32 pm
Littered bench on Broad Street in Boston

A concerned citizen reports:

Someone left their coffee break behind.

By adamg - 3/17/14 - 9:13 am
Boston from Dorchester Heights

This view, from 1838, shows the rather commanding position Dorchester Heights had over the town of Boston, so when Henry Knox got his Fort Ticonderoga cannons up there, the British really had no choice but to flee.

BPL photo posted under this Creative Commons license.

By adamg - 3/14/14 - 6:34 am
Old Pi Alley in Boston

Today's 3/14, and what better place to celebrate Pi Day than in Pi Alley?

It looks like back in 1914, the celebrating was mostly done indoors.

Photo from the BPL collection, used under this Creative Commons license.

By adamg - 3/13/14 - 5:06 pm

Alice asks:

Can anyone recommend a rad events space in downtown Boston? Can be restaurant, hotel, etc. For about 75-100 people.

By adamg - 3/9/14 - 5:17 pm

Steve Abreu asks about this mysterious sign heading up from the Downtown Crossing T stop:

Whatever happened to Shopper's Park? What was it?

By adamg - 3/9/14 - 8:41 am
Wary Redcoat in Boston

Arturo Gossage attended the recreation of the Boston Massacre outside the Old State House last night.

Boston Massacre Historical Society.

Copyright Arturo Gossage. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 3/9/14 - 8:06 am

The crime scene. Photo by Adam Castliglioni.

Boston Police report a man who interceded in another man's attack on a woman near Haymarket around midnight got stabbed but still managed to grapple the attacker to the ground and hold him there until police arrived.

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