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2007 elections

By adamg - 4/27/07 - 12:24 pm

Brighton has Naakh Vysoky. And now Chinatown has Frank Chin.

By adamg - 4/24/07 - 9:55 pm

Casey Ross lists all the candidates who want to replace Robert Travaglini. Well, both of them.

By adamg - 4/18/07 - 8:18 pm

Dedham voters get to pick among three candidates for state rep, including "independent" Paul McMurtry, who says, if elected, he'd actually be a Democrat. That puzzles DedhamBlog, who wonders why, if that's the case, McMurtry gave money to Kerry Healey last year.

By adamg - 4/18/07 - 7:34 pm

Chris Lovett runs the numbers on yesterday's preliminary city-council election in District 2. He notes that the candidate who got the most votes in South Boston (Ed Flynn) won't be in the May final, while Bill Linehan, who will be, was the winner in Chinatown's largest precinct. Linehan will face off against the South End's Susan Passoni. Whoever wins will have to run again in this fall's regular council election.

By adamg - 4/17/07 - 10:05 pm

Susan Passoni of the South End topped a seven-person field in today's preliminary election in District 2 to replace the late Jimmy Kelly. She'll face off against Bill Linehan of South Boston in a special election on May 15.

By adamg - 4/3/07 - 3:01 pm

I live in Rob Consalvo's city-council district. Seems like a nice enough guy, certainly no John Tobin or Chuck Turner on the big name/charisma scale, but if you call his office (or even just see him on the street somewhere) and ask for some help, his office will try to help you.

And now Bruce Wall, the tourist-scaring minister, wants to run against Consalvo, largely, it seems, because he hates Tom Menino.

By adamg - 3/28/07 - 10:03 am

John Daley compares the Web sites for people running for Jimmy Kelly's old city-council seat:

Some of the websites for City Council candidates running for Jimmy Kelly's seat were obviously designed by friends using Yahoo! or Sitebuilder. (In one case the CSS file links directly into the site for a certain basketball coach.) Others were assembled by pros.

The good news is that they all have webpages, the bad news is, well, among other things, none is a blog. ...

By adamg - 3/26/07 - 8:59 am

Chris Lovett details the seven-person race for Jimmy Kelly's old city-council seat in South Boston, the South End and Chinatown.

By adamg - 3/22/07 - 9:38 pm

Sco lists initial contenders for the First Suffolk and Middlesex senate district, which includes East Boston, the North End, Winthrop, most of Revere and parts of Cambridge.

By adamg - 1/27/07 - 8:22 pm

Kevin McCrea, who ran for city council two years ago and who keeps suing the city (over open-meeting and police-staffing issues), probably won't be running in this fall's election, at least, according to a message on his blog:

... I will be out of the country for a year soon ...

By adamg - 12/22/06 - 3:15 pm

Third Decade gets spammed for money for some guy named Eric Georgi, who is running for an at-large city council seat in the 2007 elections. He'd never heard of Georgi, so he takes the spam's advice and heads to Georgi's campaign site, which he finds is basically an empty shell:

By adamg - 2/25/06 - 10:36 pm

Two years before he runs for re-election (and possibly four years before he runs for mayor), Felix Arroyo quietly let the world know on Friday that a) He's contesting some back auto-excise taxes, b) he owes $25 for a missed 1997 property-tax payment and c) he no longer drives a car:

I also have an unfavorable driving record (I assure you that this does not and will never include operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol). I am now using public transportation.

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