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By adamg - 5/31/12 - 8:18 am
Where the signs used to be

A contractor yesterday removed the Rte. 9 signs that popped up right in the middle of the sidewalk on Tremont Street last week.

Turns out that neither the city DPW nor the state Department of Transportation was gripped with a sudden urge to inform Tremont Street motorists that they were just a half block from Rte. 9, a.k.a. the street better known as Huntington Avenue. Instead, MASCO, a private consortium of Longwood Medical Area institutions, decided to sprinkle the area in and around Longwood with signs informing drivers of their imminent arrival at the "highway," and apparently its contractor felt it was OK to just stick the signs wherever the hell it felt like it.

We learned this from somebody in city government, who said MASCO "is inspecting other locations to make sure additional new signs are out of the way of those using the sidewalks."

By adamg - 5/28/12 - 6:24 pm
Rte. 9 signs stuck in the middle of a Mission Hill sidewalk

UPDATE: Turns out it wasn't the city (or the state) that put the signs up; in any case, they've been removed.

An aggrieved Mission Hill resident reports from Tremont Street near Huntington Avenue, which the DPW has decided people really need to know is also Rte. 9:

We can't get crosswalk signs, but please--put highway signs in the middle of the sidewalk. Perhaps we should just eliminate those pesky sidewalks all together.

By adamg - 5/24/12 - 7:48 pm

The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports Hizzona hates the plan to tear down the overpass in Forest Hills, but says, hey, it's not his project, so blame the state when the work turns the neighborhood into a living hell.

By adamg - 5/24/12 - 12:08 pm

My car!

An irate citizen reports from Mt. Ida Road in Dorchester:

By adamg - 5/22/12 - 11:23 pm

For the second time in three days, Robinite reports a bad crash at Allston's demon intersection - Comm. Ave. and Allston Street, shortly before 11 p.m.

Looks like there was just a hit & run at Comm & Allston... Where the Jeep running left his front bumper w/ plate behind!

Car, cab collide, close Green Line.

By adamg - 5/22/12 - 7:40 am

A state plan to rip out a collapsing overpass, of course. Some folks are arguing the state should do the same thing to the McCarthy Overpass on McGrath Highway, rather than spending money on repairs to extends its life for another 10 years.

By adamg - 5/22/12 - 7:36 am

The MetroWest Daily News reports Natick selectmen approved a plan by Tesla Motors to open its first Massachusetts showroom for its battery-powered cars at the Natick Mall. Company officials said they chose Natick because its residents are particularly discerning - and have lots of disposable cash.

By adamg - 5/22/12 - 6:49 am

They're members of the elite Municipal Protective Service, forced, they say, to park there because their normal spaces on City Hall Plaza were taken up by, first, the Big Apple Circus and now construction fences, Karen Cord Taylor reports.

Isn't it grand that City Hall Plaza has finally just turned into a parking lot? Beats being a windswept, soulless brick nothingness, one supposes.

By adamg - 5/21/12 - 12:21 pm

Steve Annear at BostInno posts a photo of chained Ride riders across Beacon Street today, protesting fare increases scheduled to go into effect on July 1. Alternatives for Community and Environment has more photos.

State Police have asked the city DPW to send somebody over with a bolt cutter.

By adamg - 5/20/12 - 12:28 pm

Brian D'Amico reports a five-year-old was taken to the hospital in bad shape after being hit by a car outside 34 Whitten St. shortly before noon.

By adamg - 5/19/12 - 9:44 pm

Robinite reports the two vehicles collided pretty much on top of the Green Line at Comm. Ave. and Allston Street around 9:30 p.m. That shut the inbound tracks; arriving emergency vehicles shut the outbound tracks as well.

Ed. question: Is that intersection cursed, or what?

By adamg - 5/17/12 - 5:31 pm

The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today a man improperly had his license suspended too long under the state's drunk-driving law because after the first time he was arrested, he didn't actually plead guilty to drunk driving.

Following a 1997 arrest, Paul Souza admitted to sufficient facts for a finding of guilty of OUI. Souza's 1997 case was continued without a finding and the charge against him dismissed after he completed an alcohol education program.

By adamg - 5/15/12 - 10:04 am

Metro dude

A dumbfounded citizen complains, from Mass. Ave. and Melnea Cass Boulevard:

Dude is selling copies of the metro, the free paper. Somewhat aggressive in his approach, knocking on car windows.

By adamg - 5/15/12 - 8:11 am

City Councilor Tito Jackson (Roxbury) says it's time for the city to look at installing parking meters that let motorists pay via their smart phones.

At its regular weekly meeting tomorrow,the council will vote on a request from Jackson for a hearing into technology to enable phone-loving meters, similar to the phone payment system now in place at MBTA commuter-rail parking lots. He notes Boston already has meters that accept credit cards and CharlieCard-like smart cards.

Meter maids might not like Jackson's proposal, however - he says the meters could be set up to send text alerts to parkers when their time is almost up.


By adamg - 5/12/12 - 8:22 pm


Spotted on the West Roxbury Parkway in West Roxbury today.

By adamg - 5/11/12 - 8:08 pm

The Globe reports the state Department of Transportation today banned hazardous cargoes from Boston streets between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m., a victory for city officials who had tried to get trucks limited to highways around Boston, such as 128.

By adamg - 5/11/12 - 6:24 pm

District C-6 reports at least four Acura MDXs were broken into in South Boston on May 6 and 7 and their airbags removed. A fifth MDX had its airbag removed on May 1. A sixth Acura also had its airbag stolen on May 6, but police did not specify if it was an MDX.

The break-ins and thefts are scattered across the neighborhood west of L Street.

By adamg - 5/11/12 - 7:41 am

The Jamaica Plain Gazette has the latest on the plans for a post-overpass world, including the reconstruction of the rotary by Franklin Park into a standard intersection, with a name change from Shea Circle to Shea Square.

By adamg - 5/9/12 - 2:49 pm

Boston Police report a Mascot Street youngster started up his mother's car and put it in revers this morning - causing it to roll across the street and slam into a neighbor's house:

By adamg - 5/8/12 - 6:10 pm

She was, however, still breathing when State Police pulled her out of the Mystic by the Little Mystic on the Charlestown side shortly before 6 p.m.

UPDATE: State Police report the woman died about an hour later at Mass. General. They identified her only as a 36-year-old Rhode Island resident who got out of her car on the upper level.

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