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The T

By adamg - 12/4/23 - 9:36 am

The MBTA reports it's started running trolleys to and from Union Square again, but that service on the stubbier end of the Green Line Extension remains slow because of a signal issue near Lechmere.

By adamg - 11/29/23 - 9:35 am

Gabrielle Gurley, who used to be a reporter here, compares the current state of the MBTA and the MTA. One of her conclusions: New York's system has a lot more support in its state legislature than ours.

By adamg - 11/27/23 - 12:28 pm
Three wanted for Boylston graffiti

Transit Police report they are looking for the three men they say smeared the PCC trolley stored at Boylston station with graffiti around midnight on Nov. 12.

If they look familiar, contact detectives at 617-222-1050 - you can remain anonymous.

By adamg - 11/27/23 - 9:19 am

An inbound Red Line train pulled into Andrew shortly before 6:30 a.m. and then it suffered an embarrassing door problem that forced all the trains behind it to back up until the T could get the train and its stuck door out of there.

By adamg - 11/22/23 - 11:43 am

Jamaica Plain News reports the T decided it was time to remove the old poles along Centre Street before they started falling on people's heads.

By adamg - 11/21/23 - 1:59 pm
Graffiti covered trolley at Boylston station

A roving UHub photographer reports somebody got past the fences at Boylston and tagged up the PCC trolley sitting there - just like somebody did back in 2014.

By adamg - 11/20/23 - 3:26 pm
Desk, suitcase on the Green Line

Theodore Hook couldn't help but notice this traveling desk on the E Line inbound from North Station today.

By adamg - 11/16/23 - 6:35 pm

The MBTA said today that if we want the entire subway and commuter-rail system to be up to snuff, it'll cost nearly $24.5 billion - yes, with a 'b'. The T emphasizes that doesn't say anything about safety but that that's what would be needed to bring all those trains and buses up to a "state of good repair," you know, tracks that don't crack, pantographs that don't fry, doors that don't fail to work, no more slow zones, trains that are younger than your grandfather, etc., etc., etc. Read more.

By adamg - 11/16/23 - 3:20 pm

Transit Police report arresting Calvin Freeman 38, of Jamaica Plain at Hynes on the Green Line after he threatened several riders there with a knife around 6 p.m. on Wednesday. Read more.

By adamg - 11/15/23 - 12:21 pm

Sure, Harvard station filled with smoke shortly after 8 a.m., but after getting the offending train out of the station, the MBTA responded to several people alarmed by the possibility they were on or near a flaming train: Read more.

By adamg - 11/13/23 - 4:02 pm

The MBTA reported at 2:08 p.m. that Green Line service in both directions came to an abrupt halt due to a newly cracked rail inbound between Arlington and Boylston. At 3:19, after telling riders they could take the Orange Line downtown, the T reported the unexpected repair work was completed.

By adamg - 11/13/23 - 12:53 pm

CommonWealth Beacon digs up new info on the saga of the nine MBTA officials the Globe wrote lived well out of the T district when, in fact, only six of them did: The Globe had to print corrections and fired the reporter, whom state and MBTA flacks knew was working on the story and knew the names of the officials yet refused to answer the reporter's calls for comment: Read more.

By adamg - 11/10/23 - 10:36 am

The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports on the MBTA's latest iteration on its plans to turn the Arborway bus yard into a garage able to recharge and maintain the battery-powered buses the T is planning on buying. It's the latest proposal in more than 20 years of proposal for the facility.

By adamg - 11/10/23 - 9:33 am

The MBTA reports Blue Line bollixing due to a train that sighed and died at Aquarium.

Today's headline courtesy of Rob A.

By adamg - 11/9/23 - 5:23 pm
Waiting at Park Street

Waiting for Godot, um, the Red Line, at Park.

The MBTA reports 20 minute delays on the Red Line that won't be helped by the elimination of slow zones because a train is deader than a doorknob at Charles/MGH, and, say, whatever happened to those brand-new Red Line trains, anyway? Read more.

By adamg - 11/9/23 - 10:04 am

MBTA General Manager Phillip Eng this morning released a proposed schedule for track repairs across most of the T subway system in 2024 that will mean more of the multi-day shutdowns riders have grown accustomed to over the past couple of years, but which he says will ultimately mean faster, smoother rides. Read more.

By adamg - 11/8/23 - 9:44 pm

The MBTA reports a Red Line train gave up the ghost at Quincy Adams bollixed up Braintree Line service tonight.

At least two Red Line trains died in the morning commute.

By adamg - 11/8/23 - 9:36 pm

The MBTA reports delays on the C and D branches of the Green Line due to "a track problem at Kenmore," bad enough to require bustitution between Kenmore and Fenway on the D Line and St. Mary's on the C Line. Read more.

By adamg - 11/8/23 - 2:36 pm
Trolley pole being removed on Centre Street in Jamaica Plain

As he rested his weary feet and got a bite to eat inside Cafe Beirut on Centre Street in Jamaica Plain today, roving UHub photographer Sam Greenblatt had a ringside seat to watch a crew taking down at least some of the trolley power poles that had remained up along Centre Street, South Street and South Huntington Avenue long after the T stopped running the E Line between Heath Street and the Arborway. In December, 1985. Like 38 years ago.

By adamg - 11/8/23 - 12:25 pm
Fake gun

But was his bowtie really a camera?

Transit and Boston Police report officers responded to a 16 bus Columbia Road near Edward Everett Square for a report of a man who "threatened passengers" with a gun, around 11 a.m. on Monday: Read more.

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