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By adamg - 11/27/12 - 7:16 am

Margery Eagan gets only slightly unhinged when she basically demands an in-person interview with the mayor to prove he's not pulling a Woodrow Wilson on us:

If Menino's not really running things, who is? Dot Joyce? Devoted wife Angela? Dapper O'Neil weighing in from The Great Beyond?

By adamg - 11/26/12 - 9:19 pm

BostInno reports on Karmaloop's experiment in online clothes peddling today (Karmaloop, you may recall, is run by the guy who thinks Tom Menino is too stodgy to be mayor).

Not everybody was amused. Maria Mercedes Martinez writes:

Its so lame and something some old pervy dude would come up with, not a cool young equal rights minded man of this century.

By adamg - 11/26/12 - 9:04 pm

City Councilor Rob Consalvo (Hyde Park, Roslindale, Mattapan) says he sympathizes with people with the sort of debilitating illnesses who would require medical marijuana, but he doesn't want the dispensaries approved by voters to be allowed to set up shop just anywhere.

Consalvo on Wednesday asks the City Council to approve a hearing to start figuring out how to limit where dispensaries can open.

By adamg - 11/26/12 - 6:21 pm

The Globe reports Steve Wynn, who couldn't convince Foxboro to let him and Robert Kraft build a casino there, is now looking at a parcel in Everett. Of course, given the way the state's casino law is written, he'd first have to have a Thunderdome-like death match with the people behind the Suffolk Downs proposal.

By Anonymous - 11/26/12 - 5:11 pm

In an article today in the Daily Hampshire Gazette, "Northampton Mayor David Narkewicz opposes Holyoke casino" about a casino proposal for Mountain Park on Mount Tom, we find an old penny in the spokesperson slot:

Elaine Driscoll, spokeswoman for the Gaming Commission, said it has yet to establish such protocols. The commission is scheduled to consider that topic when it meets during the week of Dec. 10, she said. read more

By adamg - 11/26/12 - 2:15 pm

Boston Police report a woman walking home from the Community College Orange Line stop Saturday night was attacked and her purse stolen.

Police say the woman, 28, had just left the T stop around 10:25 p.m. when a man approached her on Austin Street and pepper-sprayed her in the eyes:

By adamg - 11/26/12 - 1:18 pm

Tom Menino's doctor, Charles Morris, announced today the mayor has been moved to the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital to get his strength back after nearly a month at Brigham and Women's dealing with continuing back problems, an ongoing infection and newly diagnosed type-2 diabetes.

At a press conference this afternoon at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Morris said that Menino also suffered complications from the medications he was taking for Crohn's Disease.

"It is a run of bad luck and nothing that concerns me," Morris said. "He will rebound from this."

By adamg - 11/26/12 - 11:52 am

The case was from Illinois, but echoed our Simon Glik case. By declining to hear an appeal from the state of Illinois, the nation's highest court left standing a lower-court ruling that you have a First Amendment right to record police on the job in a public place.

By adamg - 11/25/12 - 5:42 pm

Boston Police report a fight that started early this morning with a man's chain being pulled at a Back Bay restaurant ended with him stabbed multiple times by a guy with "Washington" tattooed on his forearm.

By adamg - 11/25/12 - 10:03 am

Kid with note for Lucic.

One of Joseph Donahue's parents forwarded these pictures and this note:

On a tour of the Bruins' locker room for season ticket holders, 7 year old Joseph Donahue of West Roxbury, MA snuck a note in to leave for his favorite player, Milan Lucic.

Perhaps a misspelling or two as he hurriedly wrote in on the drive in, but he successfully pulled it off. Now, the 180 million dollar (how far the sides are allegedly apart) question: When will the note be read?

Note for Lucic.

By adamg - 11/22/12 - 9:54 pm

And the Patriots are the Bumpus hounds.

By Mediacrity - 11/22/12 - 11:39 am

I wrote this love letter to Boston and, since I lack my own blog these days, I'm thankful for this platform to share it with a wider audience. Thanks, Adam!

In thinking about what I'm most thankful for this year, aside from the usual family, friends, health, and good fortune (not to diminish the importance of those), I was overwhelmed remembering all the people and experiences that helped shape 2012 into one of the best years of my life, when it could easily have been counted among the worst. I could sit for hours talking about each one and still not get them all. Then I realized it all keeps coming back to one thing: this city.

Boston, I am thankful for you living up to every expectation and ideal I had of you from when I was a little girl and dreamed of living in you when I grew up. I am thankful for your varied neighborhoods, your suburbs, your parks, your streets, your rollercoaster weather patterns, your tourist traps, your hidden gems, and your breathtaking scenery. I'm thankful for your weird laws and character of a mayor and even your maddening transit system. I'm thankful for your "freedom trail" (read: bars). The TV doesn't lie. Everyone really DOES know your name sometimes.

By Socializing4Justice - 11/21/12 - 9:36 am

Every now and again you reach a point where you feel completely drained by your efforts to create positive change in the world. Join Socializing for Justice on December 3, 6:00 - 8:30 PM to learn how to refuel so you're in it for the long haul.

Event fee: $10-$20 cash at the door, or pay $10 online in advance to reserve your seat. (New feature!)

Register at www.sojust.org - Newcomers always welcomed!

SoJust hosts events that draw progressives of all stripes that share common values but may work on different issues. We create social spaces that allow for the possibility of cross-issue connections and run a Skillshare Series, hosted by The NonProfit Center*, which increases our individual capacity for movement building.

6:00-6:30 Socializing - bring your own dinner (microwave and water cooler available)
6:30-8:30 Training and Q & A

Feeling Burnt Out? Self-Care is a Revolutionary Act!

By adamg - 11/20/12 - 8:52 am

Where and when?

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