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Mitt Romney

By adamg - 5/26/06 - 7:58 am

Mike Dukakis wows Charlie on the MTA at a confab last evening involving former governors talking about Massachusetts:

... He's still got his fastball -- and it's a Mariano Rivera cutter that cleaves bats in two.

Dukakis couldn't make his contempt for the current governor's reign any more obvious: He tweaked Romney for his Iraq trip; and a back-and-forth with Cellucci on housing yielded this zinger:

CELLUCCI: The problem is zoning and building codes --
DUKAKIS (muttering): The problem's in Iraq.

By adamg - 5/17/06 - 3:20 pm

Hoo boy, thank goodness we had brave Mitt Romney taking decisive action to stop all those looters.

Oh, right, we didn't have any looters. But maybe that's because the looters knew they'd have to deal with tough, no-nonsense Mitt!

By adamg - 5/16/06 - 4:39 pm

Under the Golden Dome rains on Mitt Romney's Peabody sympathy. Seems that after the last time Peabody flooded (all of two years' ago), Romney vetoed a measure to spend $5.7 million for flood control in Peabody - money that would have meant an additional $20 million in federal aid for the work.

Blue Mass. Group has more.

But, hey, at least the flooding's good for a laugh

By adamg - 4/12/06 - 7:46 pm

On Blue Mass. Group, David calls Robert Travaglini, Ted Kennedy, and Sal DiMasi the biggest rubes today for standing behind Governor Veto as he signed the bill, more or less. Elias, though, reserves some ire for the spineless jellyfish who vetoed parts of the bill:

By adamg - 3/27/06 - 12:24 pm

The Herald's Kimberly Atkins is now blogging the Mitt Romney 2008 Presidential Tour. She starts with a look at his schedule for this week:

He went to the Vatican! And now he's going to Arizona!! And then he's going to Colorado!!! And then he's going to Washington DC!!!! And then Thursday he'll be in Massachusetts!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!!!

By adamg - 3/1/06 - 10:37 am

Remember when Mitt Romney said that, if not exactly pro-choice, he would do nothing to change the state's current abortion regulations?

David on Blue Mass. Group: Romney goes psycho on social issues.

Adam Reilly at the Phoenix, though, says if Romney is crazy, he's crazy like a fox.

By adamg - 2/6/06 - 6:49 pm

This sure makes it sound like Mitt Romney's legal counsel is doing something bad, although I can't figure out what, exactly (OK, so I'm dense). Well, beyond the allegation that the guy doesn't live in Massachusetts (which doesn't exactly seem like something he's been hiding).

By adamg - 1/24/06 - 7:38 pm

Is the Ameriquest scandal Deval Patrick's equivalent of Tom Reilly's phone call to the DA?

Is Mitt Romney the Cowerer in Chief or a human weather vane?

How come Kerry Healey is such a fan of big-tent Republicanism now that she might face Christy Mihos when she couldn't wait to bounce Jane Swift off the ballot in 2002?

By adamg - 1/13/06 - 9:03 am

How else to treat the news that Romney's Republican Governors Assocation will return half Abramoff's $500,000 now and half after the elections?

By adamg - 12/21/05 - 1:42 pm

Amy notes the racial undertones of Romney's new abstinence program:

... Only the poor minority kids are doing it? Please. I lived in a relatively affluent, white-bread area of Rhode Island and several of my young white classmates had kids. And we had proper sex ed with mention of birth control, condoms and other methods of contraception. ... Sweeping sex under the rug (heh) doesn't make it go away, Mitt. I know it may have worked with Mrs. Romney all these years, but not everyone shares your aversion to their bodies.

By adamg - 12/14/05 - 4:53 pm

Won't seek re-election - freeing him up to move back to Utah, renounce all the positions that got him elected here (um, make that: renounce all the positions he hasn't already renounced) and crack jokes about the people who elected him governor. Move sets up Kerry vs. Christy slugfest (more).

By adamg - 11/25/05 - 8:25 am

It's not every day that you see somebody at Blue Mass. Group saying something nice about Mitt Romney. But Bob raises his glass to Romney for vetoing a bill that would have put new restrictions on online wine sales to Massachusetts residents (following a Supreme Court ruling that states could not block such sales):

By adamg - 11/17/05 - 9:59 am

Not because he knows he's just throwing red-meat to the wingnuts, but because somebody might dig up the fact that, if anything, he's way Frenchier than John Kerry, because he actually lived there for several years. Adam thoughtfully tells us:

... Tread carefully, Mitt! After all, France made you the man you are today. Remember the Vietnam War? Not firsthand, since you spent most of 1966, '67, and '68 as a Mormon missionary (complete with draft deferment) in the land of Napoleon and de Gaulle. ...

By adamg - 11/11/05 - 2:39 pm

David: Well, this is odd:

... Maybe Roland Arnall really is the great guy Patrick's letter makes him out to be, and maybe the company's previous problems with predatory lending weren't Arnall's fault. (Then again, maybe they were.) But there's no way for us to know that. And one finds it difficult to imagine that Patrick would have written this letter for Arnall if Patrick weren't on Ameriquest's board - after all, Arnall's politics are about 180 degrees from Patrick's, so why stick your neck out? ...

By adamg - 11/3/05 - 11:40 am

David argues it's when you're Mitt Romney and you say it's OK for the state for force individuals to buy health insurance but not OK to also make employers somehow provide coverage for their employees:

By adamg - 9/26/05 - 8:00 am

The Red Speck's ongoing bashing of Massachusetts makes the national press:

BOSTON -- Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, exploring a possible presidential run in 2008, has a message for his fellow Republicans.

Take my state. Please!

"Being a conservative Republican in Massachusetts," he told a GOP audience in South Carolina, "is a bit like being a cattle rancher at a vegetarian convention."

Bada-bing. ...

By adamg - 9/23/05 - 2:34 pm

So the governor is peeved at how those Newton firefighters potentially put thousands of people at risk had a meteorite hit the Pike or something during their Newton Corner protest the other day.

By adamg - 9/14/05 - 10:41 pm

As David notes, Mitt Romney's been taken out to the woodshed and is now hewing the Republican line on Katrina, i.e., it's all the fault of those damn Democrats instead of FEMA (which he'd earlier called "an embarrassment"). David points to this AP story in which the governor reveals he'd be much happier back in Utah:

By adamg - 9/13/05 - 9:21 am

After several months, Ben is back, at least long enough to mock Elect Mitt Romney President in 2008 Blog!.

The exclamation site is loving Mitt's handling of the Katrina flood evacuees. Ben thoughtfully links to a 2004 article about Mitt vetoing an appropriation to help Peabody recover from some flooding:

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