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By adamg - 9/3/17 - 4:35 pm

We may not have a Leaning Tower, but we do currently have a leaning house on the Rose Kennedy Greenway, and it's become a tourist favorite, as Ben Mohr shows us.

By adamg - 8/4/17 - 1:37 pm

Heineken has apparently paid somebody to paint little murals at some liquor stores in Roxbury and Dorchester that read "Roxbury Love" and "Dorchester Love," as appropriate, over large stars featuring a bottle of their product. Fine as far as it goes, but see if you can spot any similarities to the well known "Roxbury Love"/Mandela mural painted awhile back by a couple of local artists: Read more.

By adamg - 7/3/17 - 9:04 am
House as art in Allston

Fresh coat of paint. Photo by Turlach MacDonagh.

Designboom gives us a tour of 273 Western Ave. in Allston, which a pair of Baltimore artists used as a canvas. The house in more boring days.

A different breed of house painters in Jamaica Plain.

By adamg - 6/4/17 - 5:46 pm
Street mural in Roslindale

WalkUp Roslindale organized residents to paint the neighborhood's first street mural (and possibly Boston's second) outside the upper parking lot at the Roslindale Village commuter-rail stop today. Timothy West reports the neighborhood art critic gave the work two thumbs' up.

More photos from WalkUp Roslindale.

By adamg - 5/28/17 - 2:58 pm
Watching Genaro Ortega paint new mural in Peters Park in the South End

Michael Ratty joined the group watching artist Genaro Ortega (on the scaffolding on the right) work on his new mural at Peters Park in the South End today.

By adamg - 5/12/17 - 9:38 am

J.L. Bell makes the case that the painting the Tate Gallery acquired last year is not really by John Singleton Copley:

I can imagine Copley being influenced by the recent “conversation pieces” by Zoffany and others. He might have studied examples, even sketching figures from them in his style. And then he tried out the form with his own family as models, creating the biggest group portrait he’d made to date. But I’m not convinced he took an one-off side journey into the style of a second-rate provincial portraitist.

By adamg - 5/8/17 - 9:58 am
Sunken house on the Rose Kennedy Greenway

Adam Castiglioni took a gander at the newest installation on the Greenway, Mark Reigelman's The Meeting House.

By adamg - 3/30/17 - 3:48 pm

The announcement comes after years of pretty much every media outlet in town cutting back on arts coverage.

By adamg - 3/12/17 - 11:20 pm
Unraveled fiber in Greenway art exhibit

Chris Templeman's Make and Take is a 3D printer that aims to spit out 2,000 plastic replicas - which the public can take - of a Chinese rooster at the MFA.

The printer uses spools of plastic filament to assemble the roosters. As roving UHub photographer Christina Michaud discovered this afternoon, though, one of the spools completely unraveled.

By adamg - 3/2/17 - 12:03 am

The New York Times report the ICA will spend $10 million to turn a condemned factory in the Boston Harbor Shipyard - which already has an artistic bent - into a new art facility to be called the Watershed.

By adamg - 2/6/17 - 12:30 pm

The Harvard Gazette interviews Jane Kamensky, author of a new biography of John Singleton Copley (you know, as in the Square), who actually left Boston for England in 1774 and never returned. She discusses that famous painting of the kid who looks like he's about to be eaten by a shark:

Brook Watson had been a merchant’s boy, probably a cabin boy at first and then an Atlantic coastal merchant, spending time in the waters of Havana where this happened to him in the 1740s. He was swimming and was flayed and nearly drowned. The incident allowed Copley to paint something that was incredibly suspenseful and that was exhibited at an incredible moment of national suspense about the fate of Britain.

By adamg - 1/26/17 - 9:38 pm

Mobius, Inc. announced today it's opened studio space in the Midway Studio building at 15 Channel Center St., returning to the neighborhood where it was based for 20 years. Read more.

By adamg - 1/16/17 - 1:59 pm

Free admission on Martin Luther King Day will do that, as Melissa Sullivan noticed.

By adamg - 11/20/16 - 12:05 am
Painted house on Green Street in Jamaica Plain

A dilapidated house on Green Street in Jamaica Plain has become a canvas for street artists while its new owner figures out just what to do with the property. Read more.

By adamg - 10/18/16 - 9:28 pm
Mural being painted on Boston's Rose Kennedy Greenway

Artist Mehdi Ghadyanloo was hard at work in and above Dewey Square today, turning South Station side of the O'Neill Tunnel ventilation shaft into the Greenway's latest mural, to be called Spaces Of Hope. Read more.

By adamg - 10/10/16 - 1:37 pm
Orange people in Fort Point Channel

M couldn't help but notice the bright orange people hanging onto inner tubes bobbing in Fort Point Channel this morning. Begin Fort Point and all, it is, of course, art, specifically, SOS (Safety Orange Swimmers):

S.O.S. invokes the Fort Point Channel Basin as a metaphor for the seas across which people have always traveled in search of shelter, freedom, prosperity and safety; seas in which they have often lost their lives. The Swimmers symbolize the world’s refugees and migrants, and the long history of global migration on which our city and nation are largely built.

Artists Ann Hirsh & Jeremy Angier hope to provoke discussions about the changing identity of the Channel by asking: how are we, a city in the midst of an economic boom, responding to the current global refugee crisis?

By adamg - 9/25/16 - 9:12 pm
Tilt-down fence goes up in Dorchester's Fields Corner

Turlach MacDonagh watched a performance at BR+A+CE's Tilt-Down Fence next to an MBTA bus stop in Fields Corner yesterday. The group describes the project as "7 ladder bench+table systems" with a purpose: Read more.

By adamg - 9/18/16 - 12:18 am

The MFA is hosting the first of four all-night raves "mfaNOW" contemporary-art events that includes dancing and "food trucks and lawn games, live music and DJs, lectures, artist demonstrations, performance art."

Only problem is more people showed up than the museum expected/can handle ... Read more.

By adamg - 9/1/16 - 2:39 pm
Words in Dudley Square

Through tomorrow, Now and There is sponsoring Ramirez Jonas to compile pledges of all sorts on a sign board outside the BPL branch in Dudley Square:

Ramirez Jonas, working with Boston performers, presents a billboard of constantly changing pledges - yours, mine, scientists’, and those of our presidential candidates. Together we’re making a piece of art about promises, those contracts we with make with each other and with ourselves, and the potent speech acts that keep a society together

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