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By adamg - 4/17/13 - 8:18 pm

Bruins-Sabres National Anthem

Specmotors posted this from the Garden tonight.

By adamg - 1/13/13 - 12:46 pm

Sav-Mor on the return of the Bruins

Mike Cole at NESN shows that Sav-Mor Liquors in Somerville still has its finger on the zeitgeist.

By adamg - 1/4/13 - 8:00 am

Ladies and gentlemen, your 1941 Stanley Cup winning Boston Bruins!Ladies and gentlemen, your 1941 Stanley Cup winning Boston Bruins!

The Boston Public Library's posted a set of Bruins photos from back in the day by news photographer Leslie Jones. Among them:

By adamg - 11/25/12 - 10:03 am

Kid with note for Lucic.

One of Joseph Donahue's parents forwarded these pictures and this note:

On a tour of the Bruins' locker room for season ticket holders, 7 year old Joseph Donahue of West Roxbury, MA snuck a note in to leave for his favorite player, Milan Lucic.

Perhaps a misspelling or two as he hurriedly wrote in on the drive in, but he successfully pulled it off. Now, the 180 million dollar (how far the sides are allegedly apart) question: When will the note be read?

Note for Lucic.

By adamg - 7/24/12 - 12:47 pm

Garden officials revealed that fact at a hearing before the Boston Licensing Board today.

"There's significantly more beer drinking at Bruins games than at Celtics games," one Garden official told the board.

Of course, the officials and their high-priced lawyer from Ropes & Gray did not make their way to the eighth floor of City Hall just to discuss relative beer consumption. They were there to answer a citation issued by Boston Police on April 4 of this year for a drunken 16-year-old holding a beer and creating a disturbance during a Celtics/Spurs game.

By adamg - 5/4/12 - 10:46 pm

The Gloucester Daily Times reports at least four students are facing suspension from extracurricular activities because of anti-black tweets linked to them over the way Joel Ward scored the winning goal against the Bruins on April 18.

By adamg - 4/26/12 - 2:46 pm

After learning about racist tweets following the loss to Washington last night, the Bruins issued a statement:

The Bruins are very disappointed by the racist comments that were made following the game last night. These classless, ignorant views are in no way a reflection of anyone associated with the Bruins organization.

By adamg - 4/17/12 - 10:08 pm

Matt McGowen likes the commercial, but wonders:

I hope that they don't cause confusion about the MBTA's no seat saving policy.

By adamg - 3/26/12 - 2:39 pm
By adamg - 3/14/12 - 8:21 pm

Instead of blocking pucks, he could cut them in half. Photo by BFD.

The Boston Fire Department reports Bruins goalie Tuukka Rask stopped by Engine 7 and Ladder 17 on Columbus Avenue today to talk about the Muscular Dystrophy Association and get a tour.

By adamg - 1/26/12 - 12:15 pm

Expresses his sadness over Tim Thomas. At least now you know.

By adamg - 9/5/11 - 6:14 pm

NorthEndWaterfront.com was there with a camera today.

By adamg - 8/16/11 - 10:39 am

Masshole Jumps From Roof of Atlantic Beer Garden After Bruins Parade

The Atlantic Beer Garden found itself before the Boston Licensing Board this morning to explain why somebody jumped off its roof while holding a fake Stanley Cup on June 18.

It faces an additional hearing for another incident within the past month in which another man eating dinner on a waterside deck decided to take a swim as well.

Restaurant attorney Jeremiah Sullivan said the Bruins jump was not something the restaurant could have anticipated and that in response, the restaurant has installed a fence and is meeting with local police to try to keep people from scaling to the top of the restaurant's roof again. The topmost part of the restaurant is not public and already had a fence.

"How did a man with a fake Stanley Cup get over that without being noticed by anyone?" board Chairwoman Nicole Murati Ferrer asked. Restaurant manager Joseph Primo said nobody noticed the guy climbing up there because it was a very busy night.

Police Sgt. Robert Mulvey said the Bruins jumper attracted quite the crowd. "The crowd was very agitated and excited about what had happened and encouraged him to do it again."

Primo acknowledge he did not call police. He said that in hindsight, he should have, but the jumper left quickly and there appeared to be no safety issues once he left.

The board decides Thursday what action, if any, to take related to the Bruins incident.

By adamg - 7/17/11 - 10:18 pm

JetBlue found a way. The Toronto Star reports that when Nathan Horton got off a JetBlue plane in Buffalo on his way to his hometown to show off the Cup, the Cup's designated guardian got off, too. But the Cup was nowhere to be found:

"They tried to locate it," said [the minder]. "It wasn't in Buffalo. They called Boston. They did find it. It was on the very next flight."

H/t Kevin Vahey.

By adamg - 6/18/11 - 12:05 pm

Biggest victory parade ever? That's what BPD is saying. Sure felt like it at Government Center, where a sea of jumping, chanting, happy people waited in the melting sun for the Bruins and the Cup - and then exploded into a chant of "We got the Cup!" when they arrived in a cloud of black and gold confetti.

Photos from the parade.

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