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Vote Today in the State Primary

You can check your voter registration and polling place here if you live in Boston. The registration deadline was Wednesday August 27, 2008.

To be eligible to vote in the general election Tuesday November 4, 2008 the registration deadline is Wednesday October 15, 2008. Register and vote. This election will set all time voting records and you can be counted. Using this on-line tool, you can 1) Register to vote, 2) Request to vote absentee and 3) Find your polling location in about 3 minutes!

After you've voted in the primary or taken three minutes to register to vote in the national election in November, watch these videos. I think you'll find them entertaining and educational.

Local Politics on YouTube: "Fahk You. The guy from Boston baby, talking about the United States Congress."

link to video 2 mins.

National Politics on YouTube: "I know I'm older but the first most important thing is that they'll be ready to be President." - McCain

link to video 9 mins.

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To find your polling location and see who's on your ballot, go to http://www.WhereDoIVoteMA.com and enter your street address.

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Not quite true, says Snopes.

Then again, what can you expect from an e-mail that began circulating in 1999 and has morphed from the US to the UK to Canada to various state and provincial legislatures ...

Makes a nice rant, sure. Doesn't make good journalism, though.

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Great source Swrrly: Snopes. I'll bookmark it. That guy is a character. I didn't know Congress wanted to take away cigars... I mean I don't think Congress has passed any laws abridging one's right to smoke tobacco except imports for Cuba... the commies I'm mean.

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What is known about the people running for writein votes for Middlesex County Register of Probate?...

The candidate isn't a candidate!

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...to find out what's on the ballot? I haven't been paying attention, and now I can't find a complete list of ballot initiatives and candidates anywhere. (The state elections site has them, but the candidates are organized by party, rather than by office sought.)

Why don't the state and city elections departments post a pdf of the ballot a week in advance? sheesh.

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Go to http://WhereDoIVoteMA.com . Enter your street address. It will show you a sample ballot, as well as telling you where to vote. This is a service of Secretary of State Galvin's office.

There are no initiatives on today's primary ballot. Those go on the November general election ballot.

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Apparently I can't even keep track of what month it is... I was expecting initiatives on today's ballot.

thanks, Ron.

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So don't have your animatronic doppleganger get all cheery and call me up and tell me to vote for your friend Kelly Timilty, 'lay?

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Let's get a pol to sponsor a state bill in MA outlawing robo calls from campaigns to all folks registered on the national or state Do Not Call list.

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Chris Fanone from the Phoenix is on the street.

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Im registered at one address, and just moved a few blocks away, which places me at a different polling location. Can I just go to the old one and list my old address, or do I have to change my address by essentially re registering.

I really dont want to change the address because im only at this location for a year.

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How you feel about technically breaking the law ...

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Is that true? That if you are registered at an address you no longer live at then your registration is not valid?

Doesn't the validity depend on whether you registered at another (new) address?

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Go to any registration location and complete an affidavit of registration, which must be answered truthfully under the penalty of perjury. Among the items you must fill out truthfully is your actual, current address. Source, which adds:

What must I do if I've changed my address since I registered?

If you have moved within the same city or town, notify your local election office of your new address in writing. If you have moved to a new city or town, you must register again.

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What must I do if I've changed my address since I registered?

If you have moved within the same city or town, notify your local election office of your new address in writing. If you have moved to a new city or town, you must register again.

And it does not say you are breaking the law if you failed to "notify your local election office of your new address in writing" and you vote at your old polling location.

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Go to your old polling place today and vote. Then pick up a mail-in registration card and send it in to change your registration to the address where you now live.

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