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Caps vs. Pags: Smackdown for second place

John Carroll sums up last night's Senate debate, doesn't get a) why the questions sucked ("Why are you more likable?") and b) why Capuano and Pagliuca went after each other while Coakley "weightlessly floated above the fray."

Foxed rounds up all the coverage on the debate and the election.


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I do not see how this is a good thing.

"weightlessly floated above the fray."

Somebody tell me why we want a US Senator who sits there with their hands folded grinning as others go out and debate the issues. Martha Coakley did not make any motions to get involved at all, she might as well not even come to the debate, lord knows she has skipped enough of them as it is.

John Carroll you enjoy your little coronation. There is a reason why Martha Coakleys biggest endorsements as of yet have been women AND a newspaper in Rhode Island. I realize she also got the Police Chiefs group but seriously what were they going to do NOT endorse the Attorney General? For them it would be lose lose to go in any other direction.

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