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Did Jack E. Robinson mail the wrong people?

Red Mass. Group reports people who signed a petition to repeal gay marriage in Massachusetts got mailings this weekend from Robinson touting his "progressive" values, which include support for gay marriage. Because, of course, nobody would ever send out such stuff in an attempt to deliberately turn people against Robinson, right?


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Definitely Scott Brown sent this mailer out. This reminds me of when John Connolly sent out anonymous mailers out against Stephen Murphy in the 2007 Boston City Council Elections.

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Like Robinson needs anymore help losing.

Looks like he finally took a stance I could support tho with Marriage Equality. Maybe it is just the anti gay marriage jack asses that complained the most, it could have went to a large republican electorate. Maybe he figured he is going to lose to Scott Brown but this is his Hail Mary pass hoping it will connect with that portion of the republican electorate who either A) Believe in gay marriage but like the republicans otherwise or B) Could care less about gay marriage but feel that a republican who is against it has no chance and therefor will vote for Robinson thinking he will have a better chance in the general. I guess there is also a C) He does not care about winning , EVER and for once took the chance to chastise the Republicans for being closed minded homophobes. Eh or it could just be he could not tell the difference between pro and anti gay marriage signers.

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It's actually a nice mailer. It makes Robinson look like Ed Brooke

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Scott Brown did not send this mailer. Nor did anyone affiliated with him. As someone who did not sign the marriage petition I received a different mailer that focused on economic issues. It was in the same style and used the same mail house as this mailer. Jack E's campaign has been advertising on Bay Windows. These mailers were most definitely sent by his campaign.

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Brown definitely mailed this out to sabotage Robinson. Scott Brown is a coward who was afraid to do a televised debate against Robinson.

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This mailer is from the same mail house in the same style as Robinsons other mailings. He sent this himself. He just sent them to a bad list of folks to talk to about being pro-gay marriage.

Robinson's campaign incompetence isn't a hit on Brown. It just shows Robinson's guys are idiots.

BTW, the one heads-up debate both Brown and Robinson agree to, Jack E. Bailed out on.

So the only one who refuses to debate is Jack E.

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Scott Brown is just a coward. Everyone knows that Brown bailed out on doing the televised one hour debate at the Kennedy Library. Scott Brown is a spineless coward who was afraid to go on tellevision with Jack Robinson. This is what the problem is with Massachusetts Republicans like Cool Cal and Eabo Clipper. They hate gays and they hate blacks. Why do you think their panties are all ruffled up over Richard Tisei being picked as the LTGov by Charlie Baker. This is why the MassRepublicans are becoming an extinct species.

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I know plenty of people who hate Robinson, he is a moron regardless of race.

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He used to send "Protetant minister" canvassers into Catholic neighborhoods, acting
like they were endorsing his opponent.

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