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You don't have to be Jewish for this online job, but it couldn't hurt

Combined Jewish Philanthropies is seeking a fulltime online editor for JewishBoston.com, its new Web site going live in March:

You must have 8 to 10 years of work experience, including 2+ years experience editing an online website and working with web content management systems. You've lived and breathed what it takes to produce a successful site (think Huffingtonpost, Gawker or Jewcy). Along the way, you've built a significant portfolio of web writing and become an expert on engaging people through the use of social media. You're already connected to the Jewish community and feel a special affinity to our target audience of young adults and families with young children.



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8-10 eh? That's their way of saying "new grads not welcome"

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Shouldn't you be tailoring your resume to send in?

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It would be one contact of the three you need this week.

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