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Disoriented man falls out of moving train; passengers apply tourniquet

UPDATE: The MBTA says a homeless man from Revere who'd been causing a ruckus on the trip fell out of the train as it started leaving the station. His arm was injured; passenger applied tourniquet and he was taken to Mass. General for treatment. Transit Police report.

A man who may have gotten impatient at how slowly his 8:30 p.m. Rockport train was getting into Lynn's Central Square jumped from the first car last night.

Downtown Lynn reports he was seriously injured and that rescue crews found him near the last car. The Lynn Daily Item reports he suffered a "life-threatening head injury." MBTA spokesman Joe Pesaturo said this morning the man, 59, survived the fall; his injuries "are not considered life threatening."

Although the MBTA brought in a bus for most of the passengers on the train, commuters in the first car were held for questioning as late as 10:40 p.m., Downtown Lynn says. Charlene McBride reports the train finally pulled out of Lynn around 11:30 p.m.

The T described the situation as "an ill passenger."



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Train still here at 10:47. Police tape up towards last car. People in first car all held and then released after questioning.


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I think it ate my first comment. Anyway, I was on the 9:30 train home with my 11 month old, and we were delayed 20 minutes, finally told it was a fatality. Waited for an inbound train to pass, skipped Lynn Central, everyone was told they'd be shuttled back to Lynn on a bus. I drove home to Gloucester from Swampscott where my husband's car was.

Husband caught next train, 10:40. They stopped at Lynn, told to move to the end of the train, and 8:30 people were let on but kept separate. At Gloucester, husband saw someone he'd talked to before who had been on the first car. The guy was asleep and missed his stop, woke up, and tried to jump out. Apparently, no one on the first car thought the guy died, they just saw that he had a compound arm fracture and bleeding. There was a doctor on the train who made a tourniquet w/ his belt. Horrible :(

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"Willoughby...next stop Willoughby!"

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there was a fatality? Will wonders never cease!

Seriously, it is unfortunate that the man died.

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The T says this morning he didn't die. Whether he suffered permanent head injuries, though, that might be another question.

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Either way, ladies and gentlemen, let us remind you jumping from a moving train is considered frowned upon.

By ill do they mean mentally ill? I would hope so, but then that begs the question who lets someone in a condition like that ride heavy machinery by themselves?

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Not sure if you're trying to be snarky or what, but most people who attempt suicide or self-injury -- or people who miss their stop and think they can jump to the platform safely -- are perfectly fine on a daily basis. It's statistically most likely that this was a regular old person who made a stupid choice, not an actively psychotic person who thought s/he'd be able to fly out of the door and be caught by a friendly dragon or something. Periodic bad judgment does not get someone placed in a home and required to only go out with an aide. If that were the case, there wouldn't be anyone left to be the aides, because really, who hasn't ever taken a risk that could have resulted in serious injury? People have to be truly unable to act in self-preservation on a regular basis in order to have their rights to life freely taken away.

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I was simply asking if by ill he was mentally ill. If so, and to a point that he couldn’t make proper decisions, who put him on the train.

I know people have every right to kill themselves because of their stupidity Eeka. I was just pointing out that it's dumb IMO to put a special needs person on a train, or other massive machine alone without an aide or help. A bus is one thing because a single opperator has control over it can see passangers. A train is another.

Wasn't talking about psychotic person, not an abled bodied person who made a very, very bad judgment.

Either way, if you are able bodied, don't jump off a moving train.

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Once again, I didn't read all the posts before commenting. It's become a bad habit of mine I really need to correct.

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i heard this morning he didn't die as well. in that case, i wonder why the crewmember saw fit to tell a trainload of people (with a lot of kids) that he did, after at first saying it was a mechanical error on the train ahead. this guy was a douche - he was showing topless pictures to the guy across from me, then gave him a ton of free train passes, i think they must've been friends. after he told the car about the incident, he told the guy which side it was on so he could rubberneck. my husband's taken that train a few times and says the same crewmember has gotten off the train at station stops and shotgunned a beer.

i'm glad the guy's still alive. don't jump from a moving train, ever!

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Stephen White, 59, listed as a homeless man from Revere, fell out of a vestibule at the rear of the first car as the train began moving out of the station, according to a report from Transit Police:

... Throughout the trip from Boston to Lynn, witnesses stated Mr. White was disoriented and moving about the first coach #1502 of train #137. ... After White exited coach #1502, he lost his footing and fell between the platform and the moving commuter rail train #137. ... Shortly after White fell between the commuter rail platform and train #137, he was given emergency first aid by passengers who applied a tourniquet to White's left arm to stop the bleeding. ...

Complete Transit Police report.

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"After White exited coach #1502" That was the leap from the moving train.

The "fell" was from the train platform he made it to but then fell immediately in between train and platform.

Several passengers have confirmed, he got up, and ran out the door while the train had already started moving.


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