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MIT gets the picture - and the Polaroid cameras that took it

Joel Brown reports the owner of what's left of the once proud Cambridge company has donated tons of Polaroid equipment to MIT, including old SX-70 cameras (yes, people who grew up with those, you are now old):

... The collection includes every make and model of commercially produced Polaroid cameras, and myriad experimental models and prototypes that never made it to the marketplace. Potentially most interesting: sketchpads used by Land, who died in 1991. The museum plans to get Polaroid alums involved in cataloging the collection, and a major exhibit is under discussion. ...


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My uncle worked at Polaroid back in the early '70s, and brought a brand-spanking-new SX-70 to our house to show it off. It seemed miraculous that a picture would just appear before us out of nothing.

When I went for a Jeopardy audition recently, the producer used a newer model to photograph our faces. It seemed so quaint, and we all marveled that there was even one still in operation.

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