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Where were you when you heard the news?

From tragedy to farce in a couple of hours three years ago today (Every single UHub Mooninite post).

H/t to Andy for the reminder.



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I heard when my employee called me to tell me the bomb squad had just busted into his office. one of those things was fixed to our air conditioner. the employee recognized the icon and tried to tell them what it aws, to no avail. three hours later and after threats of confiscating the air conditioner they left empty handed. good times.

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for hours...

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My reaction was "oh, so THAT is what that thing that has been up there at Sullivan for weeks is ...".

I thought it was sort of spray painted up there. I hadn't seen it at night.

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On my way to Logan to fly to DC for a business meeting. I passed a squad of cops along the pike near Fenway visibly concerned about something underneath the freeway. We didn't know what had happened until we got down to DC and saw the news.

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You and your "third dimension".

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I'll never forget 1/31/07. The terror. The horror. The humanity. The wetness in my pants- the poop in my shorts . . . so awful. And to think- I was within 10 miles of one of those lite brite toys!

My most vivid memory is of listening to the Jay Severin Show (he's a real tough guy by the way- he calls hispanics "wetbacks") and one of his he-man reich wing pro war tough guy callers called up . . . . crying! Yes. He was physically sobbing on the phone . . . like a little baby . . . . about how scared he was because his wife's car passed over a bridge with one of those lite brite toys stuck on it (that had been there for about a week by the way).

That's a "conservative" these days for you folks. Not what they used to be. Nowadays- a conservative is a little cry baby coward that would rather live in a gulag than be free.

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Menino was a Conservative. Thanks

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especially when the attorney general dropped the charges against the two men in their 20s who had installed the lite-brites in public places.

By so doing she admitted the state had no case against the purported domestic terrorists for planting hoax bombs but that didn't keep her from punishing them as terms for dropping the charges. Justice you say?

In addition, Coakley squeezed $2 million out of the company that hired the two 20-somethings; $1 million to reimburse first responders who protected us from the Lite-brites plus $1 million for good will. Did Coakley pay it forward - the good will - and reimburse the two 20-somethings' legal bills after falsely accusing them of being domestic terrorists and planting hoax devices? No. Free money for good will and no effort to make the 20-somethings whole. That is not the kind of justice we deserve in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

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That was my favorite. "Hoax bombs." "Hoax devices." All the meaningless additions to the lexicon, courtesy of our local politicians and media. I have this funny illuminated device on my desk with wires poking out the back of it. If it wasn't being used to reply to the disgruntled Herald reader above, I'd report it to the hoax bomb squad immediately.

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Why didn't she tout that during her Senate Campaign? She could have paid off the deficit within a year or two.

After all, she also squeezed a good bit of money out of pharmaceutical companies for her campaign. I think she could have done wonders for our finances.

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I spent an hour in an Orange Line car squeezed tight. See, we would slowly move from station to station, where more and more people kept squeezing into the train- and each platform had more and more people on it, because the train paused at each station for a couple of minutes.

When they said "police action", half the train sighed and a number of people said "Awww fuck." And then we sat. For an hour.

Funny how everyone that has said "OMG OMG MASSEYCHEWSITS OVERREACTION" didn't have to spend an hour with 200 of their closest friends in a tin can. Fact is, had these potheads not put their shit up in the first place, none of this would have happened.

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I was on there with you pal, and I still want both of those rat bassturds dead!

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for threatening the public with advertising devices. I like that.

Normally it would be life imprisonment but Coakley favors capital punishment when the threat applied civilians to is applied to officers.

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My God, did you have to eat people? Did your car form tribes? Did you construct crude devices in an attempt to contact "the others" in the next car? You two wouldn't last a day on the B line.

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they were pretty rattled. people were borrowing each others pens to write their goodbye notes to their loved ones. the T almost never makes unscheduled stops ...well uh

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This happened the week I was visiting Boston to find an apartment. Killer first impression.

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Were you shown a hoax apartment?

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I don't remember where I was exactly, but I do remember I was rolling my eyes at the time.

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It certainly made me, and friends of mine, less enthusiastic about supporting her.

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A big deal only to the stoner hipsters watching that retarded cartoon and the noble bus commuters who were put way behind schedule (like myself) because of it. Screw aqua teen.

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If you're riding the bus, then it's really unlikely that you're noble, or that you have anywhere important to be.

And more to the point, is that Rex Ryan?

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