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Citizen complaint of the day: In for a penny, in for a pound in the South End

Dumpster at a hydrant

A concerned citizen reports from 765 Tremont St. in the South End:

Dumpster in parking spot/MBTA bus stop, also blocking fire hydrant. A triple whammy! And graffiti on it to boot. This has been here for at least a week.



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How is the same space marked out as a parking spot and a bus stop? And on top of all that, so close to a fire hydrant? I don't think the triple whammy is that the dumpster is there, it's that those four feet of curb have managed to be designated as three mutually exclusive things...

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|parking space|bus (hydrant) stop ........................|

The hydrant can be at one end of the bus stop - not an uncommon overlap. The dumpster can be straddling the interface and blocking part of the spot, part of the bus stop, and the hydrant.

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(Wrong map... whoops - there's no hydrant on the 765 block N side)

Although, you could argue that it's not really impacting either the parking or the bus stop. The busses can definitely still pull in.

edit: if that's where it was...

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this is a dumb complaint...south end pizza pulls the dumpster out of the alley on trash day then rolls it back. Learn your neighborhood and dont waste the city's time

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South end pizza is across the street... according to the address of the complaint. But that does look exactly like their dumpster. And, there's no bus stop in front of the pizzeria.

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Apparently they're not rolling it back on trash day if it's been there for at least a week.

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A concerned citizen writes

" Hammersley's Bistro ran out of their signature roast chicken dish that my hedge fund manager had been waiting all day for. Isn't there a law or something?"

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