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Groupon to JP: Car washes can help blind potential carjackers - like the one you had last week

A local Groupon subscriber forwards the offer he got today for a JP-based car wash:

A shiny car can blind potential carjackers just long enough to distract them while you steal their bikes. Fight crime with today's Groupon ...

Guess Groupon must follow the local news pretty closely.

Ed. disclosure: I have an affiliate deal with one of Groupon's competitors.



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Adam, it sounded like a delivery driver was carjacked with force in Dorchester just after midnight. BPD immediately got behind the suspect in the stolen vehicle on Freeport Street and followed onto Expressway south in Neponset where the guy crashed. Strong work by BPD on this. Did they release anything?

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Might be the hour - I suspect the third shift at BPD has fewer people available for PR duty. I'll ask.

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The human wrecking ball.

Technically, he was charged with larceny, rather than carjacking, but I think the DA's office has enough to work with ...

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