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Imagine if Denis Leary did all the announcements on the T

Not that Frank Oglesby isn't the Man with the Voice, but Kevin Flight got a large number of suggestions this morning when he tweeted he'd rather have Gilbert Gottfried making announcements on the train.


Denis Leary: "Hey turn your IPod down slick - yeah you. Now move from the door so people can get out, jackwipe."


Foghorn Leghorn, "Next sto- I say, I say, next stop's Park St."

Bill Sheerin:

Yosemite Sam: "It's Park Street Station - now git off ma train, you varmints, or I'll blast ya!"

Tom Bruno:

You gotta go with Jerry Trupiano: "The Red Line is delayed, way back - WAY BACK! - due to a signal problem."

Beth P.:

Clearly Jack Edwards is the only choice here.

April Brandon:

The obvious answer: Samuel L. Jackson.

Billy Mau:

Oooh, maybe Christopher Walken. He and Sam Jackson can take turns...or duet.

Drew Russo:

Another option: Howie Carr, with Irish poetry breaks featuring Billy Bulger during extended wait times.

Ed McFarland:

Lewis Black for PA announcements, "next stop is Downtown Crossing for all you to f*****g asleep to notice and you're late.


Joe Pesci - great range - from "You think this delay is funny? Funny how?" to "The MBTA f's you on the Red Line OK!"

Nathan Spencer:

Barry White for the late night 57 rides: "Sit back and relax as we take you home. Next Stop Harvard Ave."

Wendy Schapiro:

Gary Busey. Can you imagine the random comments "Porter Square next. And I really like to smash things with a rock!"



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See now Adam, how did you dig up all of the above tweets? I just installed TweetDeck -- will it follow something like "MBTA celebrity announcements" automatically, or was there a lot of manual stuff involved on your part? I've long suspected that Twitter (like Facebook) is one of those things that qualifies as More Effort Than It's Worth. Geezer Fail.

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Set up a column (hit the round + thingee in the upper left corner) to have a perma-search on "mbta." You'll be amazed at what shows up.

To be honest, the other thing is more unique to me: Folks will "@" me with things - such as some of those suggestions.

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Better you than me -- too much manual labor. (:O)

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- dead silence - (because he doesn't speak)

Oh wait, he's already doing most of the announcements. Silly me.

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And he has an absolutely suave voice. Pure Genius.

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with Bugs Bunny ("Operation: RABBIT" among them). He also spoke in one of the last Road Runner cartoons (Adventures of the Road Runner).

But Mr. Coyote was mute for most of his career. This was a deliberate move on the part of his creator, Chuck Jones.

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