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Sure seems like MBTA booze ads targeting students and the poor

Paul Levy wonders why the T still takes liquor ads; notices:

[T]he T seems to be targeting those ads to the poorer sections of town and near colleges and universities

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Could it be because College-age folks and folks with lots of worries tend to drink a lot? Doy!

(Sorry. Late afternoon snark clouds are hanging over my head.)


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I ain't saying it doesn't happen, but - What's the evidence that these postings are more prevalent in "the poorer sections of town and near colleges and universities," let alone being targeted in those areas? The link offers a single photograph. Are there any actual data to back this up, or just gut instinct?

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So, what stretches of the T go through areas that have no poor people or University populations? Basically the Riverside Line of the Green Line. Orange Line north of Wellington? The Braintree end of the Red Line? We're kind of rife with students and working class folks within the T's reach. I guess the Legal Sea Food ads were put up because we're also rife with wise-asses....present company excluded, of course.

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not in vehicles

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So how many T stops are in areas not in proximity to university or poor populations? (split hairs why don'tcha.)

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The bus shelters are NOT managed by the T. So the advertising isnt managed by the T either. It is done buy whoever owns the bus shelter (i.e CEMUSA, The Wall, etc).

So its not the T's fault at all.

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West Roxbury has quite a few of those ads. It's not a poorer section of town nor is it near a college or university.

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I can't imagine the T sits down with all of next month's ad buys and decides where to put them - don't the advertisers say, "I want to pay you for ad space in XYZ stations or ABC bus lines? The T's website is nonspecific about how it works, but I can't imagine advertisers being all, "Eh, put it wherever!" They're buying ad space where they think their customers are. So what you really want is for the T to stop accepting these kinds of ads for places where they'll be seen by certain kinds of people. Good luck with that.

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Um, when last I checked the MBTA doesn't sell booz. They sell advertising space, some of which is purchased by people who sell booz. To the extent that these ads are really targeted at one area or another, it is probably because of the advertiser's purchase of those spots based on their perception that they will reach a target audience. If they are putting up pictures of booz near BU and BC they must have hired a poor advertising agency, as everyone knows that those students are too drunk to be able to read advertisements.

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The T gets blamed for everything but this is absurd. The T does not own these bus helters the city does. Why we are at it why not blame the T for unsafe streets, poor schools, homelessness and the foolishness at the Golden Dome.
Whitey will probably claim " THE T MADE ME DO IT" as his defense.

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How about the MBTA (quasi-governmental) get out of the business of bombarding its captive victims with commercial advertisements?

Then it won't be in the questionable situation of censoring who can see what advertisements.

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