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Man locked up for alleged role in gun battle that left another man dead, cop injured

Christopher Murrain, 25, had his bail on two outstanding cases revoked today at his arraignment in Dorchester District Court on charges he tried to interfere with police chasing Darryl Dookhran, who would soon be lying on the ground, dead.

According to the Suffolk County District Attorney's office, Murrain and Dookhran were standing at Geneva Avenue and Westville Street around 1 p.m. on Saturday when two officers with the police Youth Violence Strike Force approached them:

Dookhran allegedly fled the approaching officers, who attempted to give chase on foot. At that time, the evidence suggests, Murrain allegedly stepped in and physically blocked one of the officers, giving Dookhran a head start.

The preliminary evidence suggests that Dookhran produced a firearm and fired at pursuing officers, one of whom was hit. That officer was transported to an area hospital with an injury that was not believed to be life-threatening. Dookhran was hit by return fire, suffering a fatal injury.

In additionn to revoking his bail on the earlier charges, Dorchester District Court Judge Robert Tochka imposed $15,000 bail for the new charge.

Murrain was arrested on motor-vehicle charges in September. Suffolk County prosecutors had tried to have his bail on that case revoked in October when he was arrested on charges related to the 16 bags of heroin, 58 bags of crack cocaine and a spent shell casing police say they found in his car after an apparent drug traqnsaction at Boylston and Tremont streets downtown. Just in case, prosecutors also asked for $50,000 bail on the drug charges.

But Boston Municipal Court Judge Raymond Dougan, Jr., with whom the DA's office has feuded over bail, released him on his own recognizance, the DA's office says. Two other men in the car with Murrain were also released on personal recognizance, but have not been re-arrested.

The DA's office adds it has begun an investigation into Dookhran's death.

As with all police-involved fatalities in Suffolk County, Dookhran's death will be investigated by Conley's office to determine whether, based on all the facts and circumstances, any criminal charges are warranted. As with all such cases, Conley's office will then open the investigative file for review by any interested news media.

Innocent, etc.



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to Judge Dougan.

Massachusetts judges may be removed in one of three ways:

•The commission on judicial conduct investigates complaints of judicial misconduct. Following a formal hearing, the commission may recommend to the supreme judicial court removal, retirement, or reprimand of a judge.

•The governor, with consent of the governor's council, may remove judges upon the joint address of both houses of the general court. The governor, with consent of the governor's council, may also retire judges because of advanced age or mental or physical disability.

•Judges may be impeached by the house of representatives and convicted by the senate.

Isn't it about time that at least one of these methods is put into play. In some ways, I think he is more dangerous than the criminals (and alleged criminals) he routinely sets loose.

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And failed?

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... and it is clear that the SJC will allow him to continue doing as he does with total impunity. That still leaves the other two routes left to be tried.

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I'm fairly certain he's in some wealthy lily-white suburb, where he doesn't have to deal with the results of his "humane" actions. Although, sounds like he has played catch and release with so many thugs, the chances of him running into someone he "saved" and getting violently parted with his valuables or perhaps catching a slug or a blade if he refuses to share with the less fortunate aren't completely out of the realm of possibility. Wouldn't that be poetic justice...

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My brother is NOT dangerous! So shut up and state facts! He didn’t know the person he was with was going to do that. He cannot control nor could he have predicted someone else’s actions.

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16 bags of heroin, 58 bags of crack cocaine and a spent shell casing, and he orders a released on personal recognizance? Why the hell is that clown still on the bench, not in a nuthouse where he belong?

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seriously question why ANY judge that willfully disregards a prosecutor's bail recommendation is allowed to remain on the bench. And we should also disallow defense attorneys from being able to appeal a bail decision as "excessive".

Yes, bail is principally a "promise to appear". But the bail amount should also be indicative of the seriousness of the charges the suspect is facing. IMHO, it's the prosecutors, and not the judges, that are best able to make that determination.

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The specifics of this case aside, it sounds like you are arguing to get rid of the role of judges in setting bail, and leave it completely up to the police. Do you believe there should be a role for judges in determining guilt or innocence, or do you favor leaving that up to the police, too?

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A judge who routinely lets hardened criminals go not because of weak evidence but because his bleeding heart floods the courtroom floor and his vision is completely obscured by white guilt tears should not be a judge, period. Favoring criminals is just as bad as favoring prosecution.

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But it is completely beside the point when addressing the question of whether you believe that setting bail should be left up to the prosecution.

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a lack of prudent judgement in setting bail, which I suspect is largely because of fear of an "excessive bail" appeal from the defense attorney. So, unless we (a) require judges to provide written justification on the public record for bail decisions that are contrary to the prosecution's recommendations and (b) give the prosecution the right to appeal bail decisions that a reasonable person would consider "excessively low", we should seriously consider removing judges from the bail decision entirely.

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So are you also in favor of removing judges from the guilt vs innocence decision entirely as well, unless we impose similar constraints?

By "lack of prudent judgment", you mean, "I don't agree with their decisions," no?

Yes, Dougan is a special case, but we're talking about a general principle here.

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We're talking about Dugan here, not "general principle." Also, what's "straw man" in French?

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If you read up the thread, the original comment to which I responded wasn't "Dougan shouldn't be on the bench" (with which I happen to agree), but "Judges shouldn't be able to set bail for lower than the prosecution asks." So I'd say that we're in a discussion of process and principle rather than a discussion of Dougan.

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Looks like some people are getting paid, cause there is no got damn way that he will still be on the street. If he was locked up for the 1st crime non of this would have happend. IJS someone getting paid up

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People need to understand it's not the judge it's the law if you have a weak case no matter what you think you have to treat fairly, when these judges that are locking people up n giving them high bails it is unfair. People also need to understand there is a difference between arrest and conviction. A lot of "positive" people would be shocked to know what they really could be arrested for and don't even know it. You will never be able to stop crime you just have to deal with it accordingly case by case and trust the monsters will always f*ck themselves and get what they deserve.

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As for letting him go one day when you pickup a family member or friend and get pulled over and find out they have all kinds off illegal things on them trust me you'll be begging the judge to free you on personal and hold them responsible then you won't be so quick to say lock them up why am I here all I did was give a ride. The law is the law it protects and shelters. And differently there is still the FACT that what they found is nothing compared to the stash that a wealthy man has in your "safe" neighbourhood and is the main supplier and you don't even know it. Street peddles are low man on totem trying to provide what about the bigger picture. Poor kids don't own yachts or have charter planes so once again how did it get here n who should really be in jail and or investigated with undercover officers in their neighborhood

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