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Boston Latin School also got a bomb threat

Boston Police beefed up patrols at the normally quiet Boston Latin School today after school officials reported a bomb threat targeted at the school online.

School Headmaster Lynne Mooney Teta robo-called parents this evening to let them know about the bomb threat - and that a police investigation found it not credible.



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Any idea if it was a student or other individual who posted it, and where?

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Illic bomb in edificium est. #SPARTARULZ

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Why would BLS wait to send robocall at 6:00 pm?

In this day and age with all of the atrocities which have occurred in and around school/campuses across the nation, I feel parents should be notified immediately if our children are potentially at risk of being put in harm's way, threat CREDIBLE or not.

I realize school officials probably wanted to avoid a full-on panic; however, that decision should be up to us to decide if we wanted to pick up kids, etc.

Please step it up BLS!

Scared & Concerned Parent

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So IOW, if someone decided to use one of the many anonymous communications media available nowadays (burner cellphone, email via someone's open wifi or TOR, ...) to make a bomb threat to your school, every single day, just for kicks, I guess we should just shut the school down permanently. I'm somewhat surprised that someone like Anonymous hasn't pushed something like this en-masse just "for teh lulz."

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Yeah, last time BLS had Bomb Day, all the kids got to play hookey. Now all they get is a robocall?

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BLS had bomb threats even when I was there back in 1970. There were no robo calls back then. In fact, parents weren't contacted at all, we just stood outside for a while like a fire drill. I realize these are different times.

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When I went to Latin Academy in the 80's some of the scholars I was being tardy with at the coffee shop decided to call in a threat to buy some time and maybe get day off. One of these geniuses made the call and told the secretary, "This is a bomb threat!"

She just laughed and set we better all get our butts into the school ASAP.

Ahh, truly carefree times then.

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Recently I was looking at some old issues of the MIT Tech student newspaper from circa 70-71, and there was an article about a bomb set off somewhere on MIT property by a Weathermen wannabe type group. Nobody was hurt, but it was amazing to see how the incident was reported in a very matter of fact or almost la-de-dah way, as if this was to be expected and was par for the course during those days of Vietnam protests and civil unrest. The campus was not shut down or locked down. Very different times.

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Back then it hadn't yet been realized how a constant state of paranoia and over-reaction can be used to manipulate the public into supporting insane new laws and security measures and tons of money being funneled into the public safety agencies.

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will be calling in bomb threats this week.

( I suspect the sound of the kid's voice breaking was a giveaway.)

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That Kid was in in my year and he seems to have never got any punishment wtf? That was extremely dangerous as he put all of our lives at risk, Universal Hub should launch a journalistic investigation into the matter!

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Is he back in school?

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The Class that I was apart of has already graduated. The administration never actually said what happened (I assume it is confidential) He was apparently kicked out of school but I dont know if he was ever sent to prison or anything. Should he have not been sent to prison or something? I dont know.

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Google am you friend.

A 16 year old boy set fire to three trash barrels in 2012. No one was hurt, damage was minimal (three ruined trash barrels).

If further memory (aka the parental grapevine) serves, he was arraigned in juvenile court, and ended up getting treatment and doing community service.

Troubled and stupid? Yes. In need of incarceration? Doubtful.

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