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Sorry, Charlie: MBTA general manager quits

So it turns out Beverly Scott did drop the mic at her press conference yesterday.

Scott did not specify reasons in her resignation letter, but did praise T workers and said she was proud to have been part of the Patrick administration's transportation team.

She leaves the job in April.

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Let me guess - you are one of the cronies of the Governor of Michigan ... or is that Wisconsin.


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firefighters, public education, the courts, safety standards for consumer products and food and pharmaceuticals, heck, pretty much any government program, making any kind of profit, either, which is the standard by which all such programs should be judged. This notion of governing for the common welfare and the maintenance of infrastructure on which commerce depends sounds suspiciously like Communism. Thank you for your vigilance in defense of the republic.

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What we need: a GM who will speak truth to power

What we will get: fifty shades of MBTA

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whip me, spank me, make me ride the 111.

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That Bev Scott scooted is perhaps not true surprise. If Gov B had yet to speak to her personally, being a very large and ill-financed agency important to the Commonwealth speaks volumes about their relationship ( or something...).

Not all her fault, though. Danny Boy Graballyoucan left the equipment and budget in shambles. Pols won't make the hard decisions to cut labor expenses and pensions. No one will eat higher gas taxes, or ring road tolls to pay for new cars. Equipment buyers get swindled by inept Korean car makers. Riders actually pay very little for what we get; if we want better service (meaning reg maintenance and strong cap-ex), we have to pay more. I once read Boston's fares are dirt cheap compared to other major cities.

Ridiculous how well public transportation works in Asia and Europ. We can send probes and rovers to Mars yet we cannot figure it out how to get a couple of million humans to various locations on 2 iron rails during a day. Bev Scott quit, but her successor won't fare better without collective help from pols, unions, and riders. Let's get going, eh? We need to look MUCH sharper if we want to win the Olympics !

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