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Downtown and Seaport roads were shut in time for arrival of a dinosaur

Dinosaur walks along the South Boston Waterfront

Kim spotted the dino shortly after 6:30 p.m. on Seaport Boulevard. Oh, yeah, and Mike Pence was in town, disrupting rush-hour traffic so he could raise some funds at the Langham.



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Too cold for streaking and it just doesn't have the cache it once did - why not dress up in a silly outfit and roam the world short-handed?

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I bet this descendant of Barney has bigger hands than the two top dogs in D.C.

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All those commentators who were so concerned about ambulance times when BLM was protesting will be all over this thread with their outrage.


Any minute now...

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Ironic because Mike Pence, like many republicans, doesn't believe in dinosaurs or evolution.

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one has to stop believing in God in order to believe in evolution, then guess what...some people are going to stop believing in evolution because they equate it with atheism. On the far-out reasoning that atheists use evolution to argue against God, therefor God and evolution cannot coexist.

Same reason some people "deny climate science" because they don't really deny it, but they aren't blind to how it is being used as an excuse to steal from them and micromanage their lives.

And the same false dichotomy is at play when talking about immigration, abortion, guns, all of it. Leftie extremists declare themselves the moral center of the universe and then proceed to denounce all the Johannes Keplers of the world as heretics, and are then surprised and puzzled at the fact that people notice and don't hop aboard.

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I would expect that from a Koch sycophant, not an intelligent resident of Massachusetts.

Yet perhaps there is stealing and micromanaging. Wealth is concentrated into fewer and fewer hands through tax policy while laws are passed controlling a woman's body when she is pregnant. Those two items qualify as stealing and micromanaging.

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You know who is pushing hardest in the Commonwealth for mitigation and adaptation? REPUBLICANS!

Charlie Baker - concerned about disasters on his watch; big fan of autonomous vehicles and establishing micro grids, particularly in Western MA. Signed Executive Order 569 and isn't messing around

Bruce Tarr - the Slartibardfast of self-nourishing coastal marshes as surge protection. Senate minority leader.

Matthew Beaton - EEA head. Former environmental scientist. He seems to feel storms coming and gets hyper, driving his staff crazy. Goes out in waders during the recent inundations and gets action pics like the one at the Aquarium with the flooded up climate change infoboard.

I suppose that the people who are actually having to deal with droughts, storms, and snowmageddon are just brainwashed. Yep.

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You mean the list of RINOs that you just put together?

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The list of people who live here and care about what happens to their kids.

Unlike Karl "Fauxcahontas KEVIN!" Rove.

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free Filson advertising? c'mon, Adam, you're smarter than that....

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I love the idea of a T. Rex running (walking?) down Seaport Boulevard so much I am willing to throw some virtual coin at some retailer I will never patronize.

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A favorite t-shirt from my travels


Badlands Bicycle Club - No Hands!

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Filson sounds like the sweded version of Cast Away's best supporting character role.

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