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Horse-paste eaters walk among us

Pumpkin-spice ivermectin

Relax, it's a joke. But apple-flavored ivermectin is real.

WBZ reports a drugstore in Hopkinton is using a Rte. 9 billboard to offer up only the freshest, choicest human-type ivermectin for those Massholes who don't believe in doctors and science and stuff - except you theoretically can't get human-style ivermectin without a prescription. The state Department of Public Health is investigating.

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that Bill Gates actually put the microchips into the horse paste. OMG!

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But I'm loving the faster 5G that comes with it.

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Gait, Gallop, Gelding, Groom, and Gaskin?

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I think I would have squeezed Gish Gallop in there.

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I'll never lose my keys again!

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The pharmacy should be fined for spreading misinformation.

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Iron supplements and irony

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Otherwise maybe the pharmacist needs a license re-evaluation.

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Don't you need a prescription if buying it through a pharmacy? As opposed to, say, AGWAY.

If the compounding pharmacy is distributing without a prescription, they need to be closed. Likewise, any doctor prescribing it for non-approved uses is risking their license.

It would be a good investigative piece for a local outlet.

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I heard it's a honeypot.

Speaking of which, new honey-flavored ivermectin now available at this pharmacy!

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I've seen a horse eat an apple around the glob of hidden ivermectin and then spit out the goop.

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Shut down.

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take it. Let's get it over with already.

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...when the fill up the ERs and the hospital beds because they did a stupid, other people can't get necessary medical care.

I understand your reaction, but they won't just take the horse paste and then slink off into a corner to die like a poisoned rat. They'll cause much bigger problems.

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Wouldn't it be better for crazies who feel the need to take Ivermectin to at least be given appropriate human-sized dosage under the direction of a physician, rather than taking whatever they can get at Tractor Supply or Agway?

Let me be clear: I don't think anyone should be taking Ivermectin unless there's an appropriate indication (like parasitic infection). But if you're someone who believes, for example, that IV drug users should be given clean needles to reduce harm, you probably ought to consider that perhaps the better response for people who are gonna get their hands on Ivermectin by hook or by crook is to give them safer dosages which are less likely to lead to hospitalization.

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people stupid enough to believe this will help are trolling certain websites that have "recommended dosages" for the stuff. If they don't get what they think they need from the doctor, who is obviously under the control of Big Pharma and George Soros, they will actually take more or get it elsewhere (including those sites, which put them in touch with doctors who will write them prescriptions for it at the so called recommended dosages). So we'll still have all the problems of people taking it and the added liability for the doctors for trying to appease their delusions.

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It's their job to talk to their patients and discourage use of Ivermectin for reasons that aren't indicated -- like Covid. No one is putting a gun to their head and forcing them to write a script.

That said, Ivermectin is pretty safe at normal human dosages. Writing someone a script for human-sized doses is probably better than having them otherwise go to Tractor Supply for livestock-sized doses.

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even if you ignore the issue of doctors likely refusing to write a prescription for an unneeded medication.

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if your doctor is writing you a prescription for it, there's a 99% chance it's going to be explained away as a treatment for roundworms, or some other type of parasite. Which it's really helpful for treating! And if you take it at the dosage appropriate for humans, it's really safe! And it's old enough to be off of patent, so it's actually pretty cheap, AFAICT. Insurance would be silly not to cover it, because the alternative is a patient showing up in the ER with river blindness or severe wasting symptoms from all the parasites living in his body.

Now, if the doctor is stupid enough to write the prescription for a patient reporting COVID symptoms, NOW we have a problem. But we can solve that problem by taking away that doctor's license to practice medicine. Even if the patient is an idiot for seeking out an off-label treatment that doesn't work, that's why we have doctors: they're gatekeepers who are supposed to use their own expertise to keep patients from hurting themselves. What I'm having trouble figuring out is where this billboard comes into play, because even a compounding pharmacy can't just dispense this stuff without someone with an MD calling in the RX.

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on top of Hippocratic oath violation for the doctor to say "oh, it's for parasites" when the person actually has covid.

I'm with you on the confusion about the pharmacy.

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Supervised injection is harm reduction.

Supervised ivermectin is harm creation. If the trade off is sterility to avoid blindness, that's a pretty good trade for many. But if it is sterility versus ... nothing?

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Wishing self-inflicted harm on those who have been dangerously mislead by others is not going to help at all. These people did not come up with the idea to take a random drug on their own, and for whatever unfortunate reasons have become easily persuaded to believe certain dangerous people giving them these ideas.

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It'll remove them from the gene pool, the voter rolls, and the roads. THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL ME. So, yeah, I wish them harm, and I refuse to feel bad about it. They are dumb, they are going to stay dumb, and they are going to resist any efforts to make them less dumb.

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But before it removes them, they will take up a bed in a hospital, they will require care and resources, they will keep someone who didn't do something stupid and harmful from getting needed medical care. Keeping them from doing that is what's most important.

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We’ve moved from wishing harm to wishing death.

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There was also the "Don't get vaccinated" truck advertising for a purported funeral home whose #/ site directs back to a vax/ testing provider outside the Carolina Panthers stadium Sunday


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I have a childhood friend who took over his family's funeral business.

He's currently pondering doing this on his own - even though this truck was a fake.

He's been very stressed out because funeral directors apparently emotionally recharge by helping people through the process of grieving - and all he's been able to do is the nastier draining parts of the work (bag and tag) since COVID happened.

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I think this is grounds for shutting the place down and yanking professional licenses.

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this place was already skeevy.

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