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Or how about a commemorative beer cozy?


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Roslindale celebrates Roslindale

Clowning around in Roslindale

Some photos from the 2011 Roslindale Day parade.


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Citizen complaint of the day: A bone to pick with English High

A grossed out citizen reports on the condition of the field at English High School:

English High School astroturf field is COVERED in athletic bandages, garbage, trash, cigarette butts, chicken bones (!) and debris. Disgusting!


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The inter-office politics of face transplants

The Globe has a long piece on what Dr. Bohdan Pomahac had to go through to get his hospital and a New England organ-transplant board to let him do Boston's first face transplant.


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Boston is not New York

Only in Boston. Photo by Occupy BostonOnly in Boston. Photo by Occupy Boston.

Unlike in New York, where police herd protesters onto illegal walkways, then arrest them, Boston Police have not interfered with Occupy Boston's First Amendment rights. Yesterday afternoon, police even blocked side streets along Newbury so protesters could march down the street.

On Friday night, police could easily have gotten out their pepper spray and plastic handcuffs and fired away as protesters walked over to the front doors of the Federal Reserve Bank; instead, they formed a line in front of the building and let the protesters have their say (still, just in case, Occupy Boston's legal team keeps telling people to write the National Lawyers Guild's emergency numbers somewhere on their bodies).

Keori tweeted yesterday from Dewey Square, where Occupy Boston's set up its tent city:

I often go over and ask if BPD want anything but they say no. We smile and thank them. They've been great.

Meanwhile, Marjorie Eagan says if she has to choose between what one New York paper called "spoiled brats" and fat cats, she'll take the kids every time:

Well, I'll take spoiled brats over the rest of us complacent sheep who just lie down and take what’s happened here: that is, a corrupt Wall Street that bankrupted millions of Americans, through no fault of their own. The financiers not only escape prosecution but get bailed out by taxpayers. Now these same financiers are underwriting campaigns of politicians who are supposed to fix this mess to benefit the public, not the high-rollers who stuff their campaign chests.

Tent City

Mystery Pill has been spending some time at Dewey Square. Steve Annear at the Metro is livetweeting from there today.

Photo copyright Mystery Pill. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.


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Honk if you know this song

Titanium Sporkestra, one of the bands in this weekend's Honk festival, which culminates in a march down from Davis Square to Harvard Square tomorrow, starting at noon.


Chinatown Kicks watched, listened to Honk in Davis Square.

Photo copyright ChinatownKicks. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.


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Councilor wants to ban trash bags in the North End

City Councilor Sal LaMattina (North End, Charlestown, East Boston) says it may be time to require North Enders to put their trash out in metal or plastic barrels rather than bags that can be easily ripped open by rats, NorthEndWaterfront.com reports. There's a hearing on Thursday.


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Green Line driver: Sucks to BU

Jillian Baker tweets:

T driver at BU Central to passengers: come up front to pay your fare, this is the MBTA not the BU shuttle.


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Woman's stolen iPhone keeps checking in from Boylston Street

Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig is Tweeting that his wife's stolen iPhone keeps showing up on a phone tracker service at Boylston and Berkeley streets in the Back Bay.

Via Chris W.


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Spend Sunday with some art

Both Ends of Dudley has a taste of the Roxbury Open Studios on Sunday.


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