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A tip for parents of newborns

Only click "read more" if you really have a newborn (or have had one in the past). Trust me.

Jay reveals:

... I have an outrageously strong gag reflex and couldn't even unfasten the diaper without trying to retch. So I went I gargled with a little Listerine wintermint before trying to change it. That was sufficiently overpowering and distracting to get me through it. ....

Jay, can you drop a line to Eric? He might appreciate the advice.


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We've got to get ourselves back to the Gahden

Goodbye FleetCenter.
It's now going to be the TD BankNorth Garden.


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Alyssa discusses the challenges of driving in the Boston area:

... I have 400 different types of maps to the greater Boston area in my glove box.

The big issue that arises over and over again is that there are not a lot of signs. You sometimes can't figure out what street you are on. When the Democratic National Convention came to town this past summer – signage in and around downtown Boston improved greatly. But that only helps so much when you're on the edge of Jamaica Plain and you're trying to guess where next to turn. ...


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Avoiding the manhole covers of death

Kristie reads about the latest dog electrocution and says she's trying to keep it from happening to her:

... I've taken to teaching Cash to walk AROUND anything metal on the street. But it's difficult because a) he's a dog and b) I'm incredibly indulgent even when I have the best of intentions and c) he's so darn tiny that walking AROUND for him can take like hours. ..

Which is probably good advice for people, too, given that even if the manhole covers aren't electrified, they could explode.


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And remember to take the Cape Cod Canal tunnel ...

Frank's a newcomer to Waltham. He describes talking to a couple of locals at a garage about how to get to the Watertown RMV so he could get Massachusetts plates:

... Then the two of them got into a discussion about how long I'd be there and how slow it was at the RMV and how if I drove over to the Vineyard I'd get waited on much more quickly and could have my plates mailed to me. ...

Cape Cod Canal tunnel permits

Via H2otown.


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Finn Brothers

Doubleperf reviews and photographs their show at the Somerville Theater:

... I'd never seen the brothers perform before, and it was a treat to see their brotherly similarities and interactions. ...


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Good morning

Ramon gets up early this morning to photograph the sun rising over the Back Bay.

Justin, meanwhile, has posted a set of photos of a snowy Arnold Arboretum.


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Hidden in plain sight

Look up!

You could drive by the Olde Irish Alehouse on Bridge Street in Dedham pretty much every day for 10 years and never notice the two carved swans up in the cupola atop the restaurant's roof (until one day you park nearby to take a photo of the old Waving Neon Chicken).


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Fun with the Dunkin Donuts card 1234#

I got one of those new Dunkin Donuts cards as a gift.
The idea is that you go in, order your [weak] cup of coffee, and avoid having to deal with handing over and receiving any money. You just give 'em your card, they swipe it in the machine, and you leave with your order.

That's the idea their ads leave you with, anyway.

What happens when your card doesn't work? (Somehow it got demagnetized before you ever came into possession of it.)

You go in, order your coffee, hand 'em the card, tell them that the card doesn't work and they have to key in the numbers, and they try to swipe it anyway. Then they call the manager over and have a conversation in some non-English language, after which the employee punches in the numbers on the card, and if they manage to punch in the numbers correctly and remember the manager password (Set to '1234#' in every DD I've been to so far) on the first few tries, you leave with your [weak] cup of coffee having only annoyed the growing queue behind you slightly. If not, then you hand 'em the cash because you feel sorry for the sighing people in back of you, and you leave.


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The dog-killing utility

Jenn is outraged over the way dogs keep dying from improperly grounded or capped NStar wires:

NStar, stop killing dogs, goddamn it! ... I feel horrible for that poor family. It's awful. Can you imagine being a 13 year old kid just out walking your dog and then seeing him get electrocuted? Really terrible.


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