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City Council

By adamg - 4/4/09 - 9:55 am

South Boston's Bill Linehan would instead increase tickets to $100.

By adamg - 4/1/09 - 8:55 am

The Globe reports at-large Councilor Stephen Murphy wants a six-month moratorium on medallion transfers while and the rest of the council consider the city's new tax regs, which require cabs to be hybrids by 2015 and which require cab owners to ensure their vehicles - and drivers - are actually clean.

By adamg - 3/24/09 - 2:19 pm

Hiep Nguyen, a Dorchester community activist, is running for an at-large city council seat, the Dorchester Reporter reports.

By adamg - 3/19/09 - 11:12 am

The Dorchester Reporter reports that Ego Ezedi, director of the Roxbury YMCA, is running for an at-large seat on the city council this fall. Ezedi ran a close race for the District 4 seat against Charles Yancey in 2003.

By adamg - 3/17/09 - 7:35 pm

On his campaign Web site, Chuck Turner says he will run for re-election this year and again in 2011, but says that 2011 will be his last race for his district-7 seat. He isn't ruling out running for something else in 2012.

By adamg - 3/5/09 - 8:31 am

The Berkeley Beacon writes it still opposes Mike Ross's plan to get colleges to help enforce the city's ban on student apartment cramming, but acknowledges that, yes, comparing it to Nazi yellow-star policies was going too far:

The suffering of Ross' father is well-known in the Boston community. We should have done our research, but we did not.

Similarly, our tone and language in the editorial were hyperbolic and flippant. Ross does not plan to round up Boston's college students and put them in concentration camps, nor does he plan on tattooing us for identification by "Gestapo-like" guards. That was sarcasm and exaggeration that, in the fervor of argument, went too far.

Ross's letter to the Beacon.

By adamg - 2/26/09 - 10:10 pm

So City Council President Mike Ross wants to require local colleges to help the city figure out if more than four students are living in apartment, because it seems that since the city passed its five-students-and-you're-out regulation, not a single student swarm has been broken up, since ISD can't legally tell who's a student and who isn't.

Paul Flannery passes along word that the student paper at Emerson editorialized that this is just the sort of thing Hitler would have done:

Suppose some Boston city councilor proposed to ban more than four gay people from living together, claiming that such large gatherings of gays was a public nuisance. Or imagine if a councilor proposed such a Gestapo-like imposition on the city's Jews, or such a nouveau-Jim-Crow decree on Boston's blacks. ...

If the council president is serious about his cap on coed cohabitation, history provides a number of examples from effective tyrants. For instance, forget forcing colleges to report off-campus students' addresses. Hitler had Warsaw's Jews wear armbands for easy identification by the SS. Tattoos were effective, too.

Yeah, that's just what the son of a man who survived ten Nazi concentration camps while the rest of his family was wiped out would do. But, hey, Emerson teaches kids how to be DJs on indie FM stations, not how to do research or make rational arguments.

By adamg - 2/19/09 - 2:37 pm

The Dorchester Reporter informs us that Tomas Gonzalez, who'd been helping Andrew Kenneally build a campaign for an at-large seat on the city council, has now decided he wants one of those seats himself.

There are four at-large seats. Two of the current councilors, Michael Flaherty and Sam Yoon, are running for mayor this year. Gonzalez is a former former chief of staff of Boston’s Commission on the Affairs of the Elderly and the former Latino liaison to the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services.

By adamg - 2/12/09 - 3:26 pm

The West Roxbury (and JP) city councilor tells Wicked Local West Roxbury he's not running for either mayor or an at-large seat.

By adamg - 2/11/09 - 7:49 am

Pops forwards the news that Roxbury activist Bob Terrell has taken his name out of the running in this fall's at-large council election (see the other candidates). His note to supporters:

By adamg - 1/24/09 - 10:25 pm

Mike Ball reports on a Chuck Turner rally at the Park Square Radisson today that opened with the dulcet a-capella stylings of the LaRouche Jugend:

... At the Radisson before the meeting, it was clear that this was a mandated event for the LaRouche youth. They knew each other and outnumbered the rest of us considerably. Under 100 attended and the 20-somethings dominated. Each was obviously trained to engage, gathering names and contact info on the way in, offering dozens of tracts as stapled magazines or perfect-bound booklets. ...

Ball provides a summary of Turner's speech, which not only brought up the hypocrisy angle of the case against him (why is the U.S. Attorney attempting to keep Turner from speaking truth to power when the guy himself released evidence before the trial?), but even veered into LaRouchist territory, when Turner ran with some of ol' Lyndon's anti-British rhetoric.

By theszak - 1/21/09 - 3:04 pm

The change from strictly paper submissions to paper and electronic submissions will be implemented during 2009.

Until the system, including the appropriate technology is in place, submissions and distribution of documents will continue to be done as it was in 2008.

Rule 12.

By theszak - 1/18/09 - 6:09 am

The first sentence of Rule 34 needs to be clear language... the enjammed way it's written obscures our municipal government.

On 1/16/09, Reuben.Kantor at cityofboston.gov wrote:

Rule 34.
No meeting,
working session,
or hearing of any committee,
except the committee on ways and means,
in accord with the limitations of the state's open meeting law,
shall be called upon less than fortyeight (48) hours notice
(exclusive of legal holidays and Sundays),
unless otherwise allowed by the president

By theszak - 1/16/09 - 8:40 pm

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Reuben.Kantor at cityofboston.gov
Date: Jan 16, 2009 6:00 PM

Reuben Kantor

Chief of Staff
Boston City Council President Mike Ross, District 8
One City Hall Plaza
Boston, MA 02201
P: 617-635-4225
F: 617-635-4203

Help make the earth a greener place. If at all possible resist printing this email and join us in saving paper.

Page 7
2009 City Council Rules Page 7
Rules of the Boston City Council
Municipal Year 2009

General Rules

Forty-Eight Hour Notice Required

Rule 34.

By theszak - 1/15/09 - 11:36 pm

0153 Order requesting certain information under Section 17F re: a list of all [Boston] city commissions and boards as of January 7, 2009, names, conditions of appointment and time period length, salaries and all meeting minutes from 2008.

By adamg - 1/13/09 - 2:57 pm

In one of his first acts as council president, Mike Ross today asked city lawyers to stop a planned fact-finding investigation into what action, if any, the council could take against Innocent Until Proven Guilty Turner.

Previous Council President Maureen Feeney had worked with city lawyers to hire some fancy-shmancy retired judge at $500 an hour - plus an investigator at $90 an hour - for a fact-finding mission that could have cost the city $50,000. Then federal prosecutors filed a court motion that might limit what the council could learn about the bribery and conspiracy case against Turner. In a statement, Ross said:

Given the pending motion and that the city is contending with a budget gap and the possibility of additional cuts to state aid, I believe that the money spent on fact-finding can be better used elsewhere.

By adamg - 1/12/09 - 11:47 am

Amy Derjue, late of Boston Magazine, is now City Councilor Mike Ross's communications director, Boston Magazine reports.

Hmm, if Ross runs for mayor against John Tobin (hey, it could happen), we'd have blog wars: She'd be competing with blogger Steve Garfield, who put together Tobin's campaign site.

By adamg - 1/8/09 - 9:36 am

City Councilor Sam Yoon will seek a home-rule petition to let Boston tack a half-percent onto the current state sales tax, Kevin McCrea reports, adding that new council President Mike Ross's proposed rules changes, which include posting proposed rules changes online, are not online.

By adamg - 1/5/09 - 9:34 pm

Open Media Boston reports that new City Council President Mike Ross wants to hold at least some council meetings in Boston neighborhoods - and at night - so that the sort of people who don't get paid to attend meetings in the middle of the day can see their elected officials in action.

Ross himself discusses what he wants to do with his yearlong term (beyond promoting world peace, of course), such as:

I will require that all council documents be made available electronically on the City of Boston website. It is time for the City Council to enter the 21st century, and ensure that all documents, legislation, and resolutions be fully accessible online.

Hmm, what about those minutes that city lawyers say can't legally be put online?

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