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Pre-teens sought for armed holdup in Dorchester

District C-11 detectives report a man was mugged behind St. Mark's Church Monday evening by a trio of young robbers - two no more than 12.

The man was walking in the parking lot behind the church, 1735 Dorchester. Ave, around 6 p.m. yesterday when he was surrounded by three kids, one about 13, the other estimated to be between 10 and 12.

The older kid cocked what appeared to be a black, semi-automatic handgun and put it to the man's head before the man surrendered his cell phone, his iPod and $13 in cash, police said.

The victim stated that the suspects continued to "look around" as they surrounded him in order to be sure that there was nobody else present. The victim stated that all of the suspects were ordering him to "run your stuff" and stated repeatedly "hurry up."

All three were black and wearing hoodies. One of the younger attackers has "very crooked teeth," police said.

Anyone with information can contact C-11 detectives at 617-343-4335.

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