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'No one ever seems to get upset about it'


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Boston already has the "Cradle of Liberty." We might as well start digging its grave.

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You mean nobody mouthed off to the phalanx of twelve cops and angry-looking German Shepard at Ruggles this morning? Guess that means it's working!

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after I had just gone to "Sweet n Nasty" on Mass Ave to buy presents for a bride-to-be for her bachelorette party. (True story.) The cops were in hysterics.

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My wife and I were returning from a Caribbean vacation about 10-15 years ago, (pre-9-11). We had met a couple from Boston, she was in my industry where I had purchasing responsibilities at the time. Last few days of vacation consisted of her buying me many expense-account drinks by the pool, in anticipation of a sales call by her after a decent interval, no doubt. While her bags were being searched, her C-cell vibrating dildo started to buzz noisily, causing a major disruption and her turning maroon while she was pulled out of line. (I'm still waiting for her to call me back!)

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No, but seriously...what happens if I say no to a search?

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... 'cause you're not getting on at this one.

My response to these is: check the outside of my bag for explosive residue, go right ahead.

Want to look inside? Get a warrant.

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Exiled, cast-off, sent away...effectively banned from MBTA property and vehicles for however long they choose to ban you.

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Put out the word on the searches - people can then avoid the search stations or declare it a good day to take certain personal items out of the bedside table and pack them to work. After the fifteenth interesting piece of ... um ... personal satisfaction equipment they search they might get suspicious.

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To fertilize your spring plantings.
Just sayin'

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Now that would make for a fun time had by some ... would they have to break it open and sift through it while you acted o-blivvy-ous?

Hey, have to get it out to that community garden plot in the fens somehow ...

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I'd recommend something inorganic... powdery if not sticky.

'Oops I tripped and dropped my fertilizer' would make the whole station so lousy with nitrogen it would likely end the 'training exercise.'

Not that I would advocate such a thing. Terrible idea, really.

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You don't have to consent to these searches unless the cop has a warrant or you are under arrest.

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"Passengers who refuse the search won't be allowed into the transit system, and any person refusing to leave could be arrested."


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And somehow this is ok because the MBTA claims it is a private enterprise, yet somehow is fully publicly funded.

Anyone know the legal steps to bring this in front of a judge and get a ruling? It seems it should be in the public trust, and it be nice to have a ruling to that effect. Or has it already been done?

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I would guess that the easiest way to get a case heard - and thus a ruling on the law itself - would be to get arrested.

Am I wrong?

By the way, while the other suggestions (manure, etc.) are fun, a bag full of copies of the fourth amendment would be more my style.


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Today is Walk to Work Day, and the MBTA goons are just trying to encourage it.

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had i known that, i wouldn't have rollerbladed...
and no, i haven't been in a coma for the last 18 years, i'm just wicked unfashionable.

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Yo, that chick may be cute. But her looks are Satan in the form of temptation.
What would Jesus do? He'd say "fuck you!" and rip out his pocket Constitution. And if the devil disregards that sacred document he would damn her to Hell -- and say get out of America if you disagree.

Fourth Amendment Reminder:

“ The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ”

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Not only is it a huge waste of fare and taxpayers' money, completely ineffectual and flies in the face of everything this country stands for, it can't really do much for the image of the MBTA Police. This is one less reason to trust them. I'll never report anything strange I see to them and never rely on them for anything. It's time for new leadership at the MBTA. This is just another clear indication that it is broken and needs to be replaced by people who know what they're doing. I'm writing my elected officials, I suggest others do so as well.

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