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Dorchester teen indicted on 14 counts for quadruple shooting outside Roxbury bar

Charkeem Hyatt, a.k.a. Maurice Mattocks, was indicted on fourteen counts today for a shooting that left three women and a man with bullet holes as the bar emptied out at closing time on July 17, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

Prosecutors charge Hyatt got into a fight outside the bar, then went across the street to get a gun out of a car and opened fire. Two Boston officers working a detail at Packy Connors and an off-duty cop started chasing Hyatt down Blue Hill Avenue. When he ran onto Ingleside Street and raised his gun as if to shoot, officers opened fire. They missed him, and caught up with hom on Woodcliff Street.

In part due to the incident, the Boston Licensing Board voted to roll the bar's closing time back from 2 a.m. to midnight after police officers testified the bar and its environs seemed to be a trouble magnet after midnight.

Hyatt was indicted on charges of: Possessing a firearm during the commission of a felony; three counts of aggravated assault and battery with a dangerous weapon; one count of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon; three counts of assault with a dangerous weapon; and single counts of unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, unlawfully carrying a loaded firearm, and unlawful possession of a firearm as a second offense.

Hyatt is due for arraignment in Suffolk Superior Court on Sept. 24.



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Bobby Constantino thinks Charkeem just needs a job with the city.

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