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Attorney General's office starts to consider City Hall e-mail

The Globe reports that Martha Coakley's office says it is now "involved" in Secretary of State Bill Galvin's effort to get City Hall to recover and turn over all those deleted e-mail messages.


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Was does 'involved' mean? She needs to seize these computers from city hall and bring them to her new forensic labs. Otherwise the hacks and politicians will stall this more. Time for action.

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You know, the really important stuff. Not massive, state-capitol-city corruption. Oh, also for investigating scapegoated au pairs.

Frankly, it is well, well past time for the FBI to be involved.

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... that they found some 22 year old IT person who was told to overwrite some backup tapes and complied.

This person will be the ScapeCoakley for this grandstanding "investigation" and will PAY PAY PAY!

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That's why people hate politicians - words like "involved". If you're going to do something don't beat around the bush. Everyone knows Coakley and Menino have been aligned for some time now and if she's going to take a stand on this - which she should - she needs to be definitive. She needs to stop practicing being a legislator before she gets to the Senate. Show you can do your current job well and maybe people will see that you have earned the right to be considered for Ted K's old post.

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If by involved you mean in the office stalling the investigation then I am not surprised. Unless she jumps right on it I would not want her anywhere near it. I have a feeling this whole thing will be pushed off until Jan when they are both safe and secure.

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If it took Martha this long to find enough reason to get involved (of which there has been plenty for weeks) how can we trust her to be a United States Senator?

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Vote for Martha - She never indicted a Democrat!

The Good Governent progressive types used to fight corruption in Boston politics. Now, they line up with Silent Martha. How things have changed.

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... that most "Good Governent progressive types" are lining up behind Coakley rather than Capuano? I would tend to doubt this.

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No, we're the ones in Capuano's corner, thanks.

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Not only MUST (as in "it's the law") the e-mails from city hall be made public, but just as important those from 1010 Mass. Ave and Frontage Rd. need close scrutiny. The corruption that exists in those two city fortresses must be exposed. Inspectional Services is one of many tools the mayor frequently uses to punish those who dare to cross him or who seek change in the direction of the city. Small businesses face the very real risk of being, at the least, stonewalled and even being denied proper licenses and permits to operate their businesses for the unheard of act of favoring another candidate. I'm sure that references to such practices can be found in the city e-mail of the management of ISD and PWD

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On the back of a BTD tow truck at noontime being towed into Frontage road. I wish I got a picture. Couldn't help but think the sticker had something to do with it.

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Thousands of e-mails have been searched and nothing has been found. Let's let this play out and not let it breathe life into Flaherty's fledgling campaign. Flaherty doesn't have a leg to stand on with this as Flaherty is the one who went to court, lost and was found to b holding secret, closed door, meetings where Flaherty made back room deals for the BRA and himself. And this cost the city over $300,000 in legal fees.

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Flaherty took responsibility for his actions in regards to the open meeting law violations. Does that mean he can't point out cases of blatant corruption? If you have been following this email scandal the entire time I'm sure you are well aware of the 3 different excuses given by Menino's office for what happened. If there was a legitimate explanation for what happened the story would have been the same from the beginning.

If there was nothing to hide, everything would have been turned over from the beginning. Investigators wouldn't have to be prying the emails out of City Hall. Why are they so reluctant to turn them over?

Also, it came out yesterday that Kineavy had lied about getting a new computer around the same time the FOIA request was made last spring. If you were a legitimate 3rd party with an outside perspective, no matter your feelings on who should be mayor, you would recognize the obvious abuse of public trust.

But, it seems that you keep reverting back to Flaherty and the open meeting laws which leads me to believe that you are trying to divert attention away from Menino. That in turn leads me to believe that you have a personal stake in the outcome of this election. Are you a City employee? Are you a friend of Mumbles?

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Really, he took responsibility?

Because from where I'm standing he tried fighting it all the way to the top, then lost, costing taxpayers 300K.

He said, "oops my bad! We must have interpreted the very clear cut law wrong! Sorry!"

I'm sorry, but that's not taking responsibility, or showing a spine. Let's not sugar coat his transgressions as an official just because you like Mumbles less.

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City officials report that the contractor estimates the cost to be $250,000 for recovering from his computer the emails that Kineavy had deleted. Nobody has made it to a grand jury yet, or an indictment, or gone to trial, and yet the bill due to Kineavy's actions is already up to $250,000.

Kineavy will cost the city more in the end, hands down.

Furthermore, Flaherty and company's violation of the open meetings is a civil infraction ($500 a pop), while for each instance that Kineavy destroyed a public record, he is subject to criminal penalties of up to $500 and/or a year in prison. The Globe estimated that he received 18,000 emails over six months, which means that he could end up with up to 18,000 years in prison and/or $9,000,000 in civil penalties. And Kineavy has basically admitted to many of the facts in the case, such as that he deliberately double-deleted all those emails.

No question, Kineavy's case makes McCrea v. Flaherty look like kids stuff.

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That money should come from Kineavy's pay check, no matter where he is working next. I have no objection if the Menino machine chips in to pay for it. They were the ones getting heir money's worth, not you or me.

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Nothing will be found and Flaherty's campaign is using this minor mis-step by a city official to create a controversy during election season. That is for sure. What I want to know, what I'm not sure about is what will happen after nothing is found, and when the Flaherty camp will be satisfied. I for one thing that an apology would be in order.

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That's why the Sec of State and now the Attorney General are looking into it. Why would Menino's people stonewall unless there's something to hide. You do know that Coakley jumped in only after Galvin told her his people were being stonewalled (she has subpoena power, he does not.)

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I don't mean to divert attention I just get bothered when everyone becomes ameture Matlock's and starts presuming guilt (at least in this case).

But if you'll let me go back to Flaherty (which I'll admit is a diversion of sorts) Flaherty did not take responsibility until after the case was closed and the court ruled against him. In fact, Flaherty only took responsibility once he started running for Mayor. Additionally, for Flaherty to call for transparency I think is funny as he has never agreed to discuss or release info on what took place in those closed door meetings..

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Which you could probably read without taking a breath, is here.

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Now available for the maximum fees public records law allows public records custodians... the stenographic machine record of the last public meeting of Boston City Council, contact http://www.cityofboston.gov/contact/?id=138

Out of reach for an ordinary household budget and a limited possibility of negotiating... it's in the public interest to make available the public record to all regardless of ability to pay the additional fees that the budget for Boston City Council stenographic services covered already.

It's the predicament representative of contempt, of corruptive culture of City Hall. Neither candidate for Mayor appears to take seriously the principles of sunshine open public meetings, FOI Freedom of Information public records and open transparent governing of a city and the people.

Reporters have been compromised by officials in covering City Hall abuses with respect to public records of our city. Bloggers can advocate for a more open City Hall.

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Hey, the zak, do you think you could spend a little time on learning how to use the [url] tag?

Here's how. Instead of this, as you did in your recent post:

contact http://www.cityofboston.gov/contact/?id=138

You put this into your message.


And it displays like this:


Much nicer for your readers. And, not too hard for you.

Blasting naked urls into your posts probably seems easy to you, but for your readers it makes you look lazy.

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