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Exhausted cops

Carpundit reacts to the Herald story on exhausted Boston cops - if they're being made to work overtime without enough rest, then take away their paid details, at least until the city can hire more officers:

... In my career, I've worked many a midnight shift with cops who were too tired to be out there. Often, it was because they'd worked the night before, worked a road job that day, and gone home for four hours of sleep before coming in for the midnight shift. Four days in a row. There's only so many hours in a week. Cut back the details, and you cut back the cops' time at work. Then, when the department has to hold some officers over, it's drawing from a pool that isn't already exhausted. ...



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Cutting back on cops' overtime hours, along with more frequent rotation of cops for overtime is an idea whose time has come, and is long overdue. Cutting back on cops' overtime, as well as frequent rotation of cops would lessen the chances of a cop, or cops making dangerous errors that result in serious injury or death to innocent bystanders and others, and to reduce the number of incidents that occur due to mistaken identify. Having said this, I believe that when cops have not had an adequate amount of rest and are overtired, the chances of the above-mentioned incidents are very, very much increased.

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