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The Green Line would run so much better without all those pesky passengers

Charlie on the MBTA offers yet more proof the the T selects only the choicest, most arrogant drivers for the Green Line.

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The modifications are absolutely necessary due to the rampant fare evasion going on with the new system. Roughly 70% of riders stream in the back doors without paying if there isn't a T employee validating Charlie Cards/Monthly Passes. Yet far fewer people board through the rear doors if there is an inspector there.

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You know what? I don't care about fare evasion. I care about service. The MBTA promised us that service would improve. They posted signs and everything. They are STILL posted, promising that boarding would be so much faster and easier. But it was all a lie. They knew they cared more about "fare evasion" and never intended to make things easier or faster. But they lied anyway. THAT is the issue. They can't be honest about their awful service they intend to provide, so they lie and then "change" the policy a couple days later and don't tell any riders. This pattern of deception and declining service paired with increasing prices and fiscal mismanagement is inexcusable. I don't care if a couple people hopped on the back of a train. That's not really the issue here. The issue is the T hiding their awful service behind false promises.

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