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How many people does it take to dismantle a Honda?

According to Boston Police, six. At least, that's how many people (ranging in age from 15 to 44) they found taking apart a Honda at 2:23 a.m. on Sunday on Border Street.


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His first smoke

Jim Sullivan recounts the day he first took a drag, in a Jean Shepherdesque saga involving hockey on a Neponset River cove, everybody falling through the ice and then climbing up to an exhaust fan at the old Hendries plant to try to have it dry off their clothes so their parents, who told them not to skate on the river, wouldn't kill them when they came home with wet, frozen clothes.


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Shank attack

Sheriff Sully genially notes that Dan Shaughnessy could not get basic facts about Matt Hasselback right - such as Shaughnessy having him winning a Massachusetts schoolboy award that doesn't exist.

Bruce picks up on that report and adds how CHB missed an even better local angle on the Super Bowl. Maybe he should stick to running the Red Sox?

My standard disclosure.


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Don't be inviting him to Bertucci's


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Damn newspaper readers, get offa his press

The Professional Media Critic reads about a newspaper controversy in a Third World country 99.9% of Americans could not locate on a map if their lives depended on it. Instead of marveling that said country now has enough freedom of the press to even allow a newspaper controversy, he concludes from the story that American journalism will go to hell in a handbasket if newspapers here actually give readers what they want to read.

My standard newspaper disclosure.


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Mrs. B has a posse


Entrance to the Mall that Time Forgot on Cummins Highway. Photo taken 2/5/06, not sometime in 1985. Honest.


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Bicycling under the influence

Craig Koebelin reflects on his many years of bicycling while intoxified:

... There is a little spot on the Charles in Lower Allston opposite Cambridge where I would stop on my way home from my part-time job in the Hospital District to my then-home Arlington, I would draw on a pint of vodka acquired in a Brookline or Allston store, watch the crewers, wondering if they were actually having fun, the rising of fish, ducks, the sunset, chat on the cell phone, skip stones, get extra fortified for the subsuing night ride down Mass Ave to Arlington, once I did the whole pint and had a fall-down between Porter Square and Alewife Parkway, leaving a scar on my right knee, yet another scar, I don't need tattoes life has tattoed me quite enough. ...


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Forget the Super Bowl, who won the belt sander nationals?

On Proactive Busybody, Abby takes lots of photos at JP's belt-sander nationals, held each year to find the fastest belt sander around.


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Sunset over Hyde Park


River Street this afternoon.


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Boston as fist

Ever wonder what would happen if you superimposed an image of a fist over an aerial photo of downtown Boston, the Back Bay and the South End? Wonder no more.


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Pigeons on the fence, a-lence

Could either the city of Newton or the YMCA please remove the three dead pigeons attached to the fence that separates the YMCA on Church Street from the turnpike? They're skeeving Krissy out.

Vitally important update: They were pieces of wood, not actual frozen dead pigeons, alas.


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Caucus confusion

On Left Center Left, Chris Cagle reports on the mystery that was the Ward 10 Democratic caucus for Mission Hill:

I felt like a French peasant in the provinces while revolution waged in Paris - vaguely aware that something was happening elsewhere in the state, but unsure exactly what it could possibly be. ... I'm mystified by these tallies that people are giving for Patrick vs. Reilly's delegates, or news that Reilly led in Boston. How do they know? Is it something that the campaigns themselves tally? Because there was barely a word at my caucus of how anyone would vote at the nominating convention.


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Mission of Burma comes back - again

New album out May 9.

Via Tim, who managed to sign up in time for the now-closed vinyl releases of some of the tracks.


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On the death of the Arkansas police officer

Suspect in gay bar attacks dies.

Mats on Internet128: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts failed to deal with that monster and as a consequence of that a good man in Arkansas is dead.

Carpundit: My sympathy and gratitude to his family, and to the people of Arkansas.

Bruce at mAss Backwards: The joy I feel over this scumbag's imminent decension into Hell

is tempered only by the sadness I feel over the innocent lives that were destroyed at his hands, and the utter disgust I feel over how preventable these deaths were and how our "leaders" are doing nothing to see that future victims of this kind of abject hatred and direspect for others might be able to defend themselves in the face of such evil. ...


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Something to leave to trained professionals

Dan Houseman photographs the results of his efforts to assemble a high chair. It is not pretty.


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Dog-crap vigilantes

3Mote wonders what neighborhood chucklehead left the following note on his door:

If you let your dog shit in my yard one more time without picking it up I'm going to come over and cram it down your throat.

Because he and his family are religious about picking up after their dog - and even other dogs. Now he's wondering if he should get the police involved.


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Why he won't post those Mohammed cartoons

Anybody who's read Dowbrigade for more than a few days knows Michael Feldman doesn't shy away from attacking sacred cows - or from posting possibly offensive images. But he won't be posting any of those Danish Mohammed cartoons - a decision he came to only after some agonizing and even after thinking publication would be something he'd be williing to risk his job over (since his workplace has many Muslim clients):

... Then we thought of some of our Muslim students, past and present, not as Muslims or as students, but as people. People we knew and liked and respected. People we would not want to insult or offend in any normal personal, social or professional situation. ...

In the end, though, he does link to a site that's posted them.

Sunni Sister, who is Moslem, says there is another side to the whole story - and that economic boycotts, of the kind used so successfully by Christian conservatives in the U.S., are the way to deal with anti-Moslem speech:

... You see, my friends, it is free speech when they portray the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in such a manner, but a criminal act if someone in those same countries makes provocative (or outright false) statements about the Holocaust. So it's not about "free speech," it's about asserting their dominance over the Muslim world and over the Muslims in their countries, who are already in positions of extreme difficulty. Us Mozzies have gotten a little too uppity for their tastes lately, I guess. Need to be reminded by our old European masters who has the upper hand.

What I personally find troubling about this is that while the Germans, French, Austrians, Belgians, and others have laws against Holocaust deniers, now, today, in the name of free speech and democracy their governments and certain people within their societies are spreading the same sort of hateful propaganda against Muslims, Arabs, and Africans. ...

Other local bloggers, though, have not shied away from either reprinting some of the cartoons or telling those attacking the cartoons where they can go:

Carpundit rejects the notion that this represents a clash of Islam vs. Christianity:

It is not Islam versus Christianity, or Islam versus Judaism, or Islam versus The West. It is Islam versus Everything Else, civilization itself. From the destruction of ancient Buddhist statues to threats of death for cartoonists, from the stoning of single mothers to honor killings, from the destruction of skyscrapers to the murder of babies, Islam is waging war on civilization. This is the great conflict of this age. ...

In another post, he is more succinct, in reacting to a Hamas legislator's outrage over the cartoons:

Really? Well, fuck your prophet. And the camel he rode in on.

Gary McGath, noting the State Department is now on record favoring religious extremism over freedom of the press: US caves in to Islamic thugs.

Sissy Willis, who's been writing quite a lot about the issue, wonders why CNN and Fox cite sensitivity to Islam in refusing to show the images:

... [W]e switched into double-standard mode, desperately trying to fit their round "We report, you decide" slogan into the square hole of their self-censorship. Maybe it was a bottom-line decision, or how about just good manners? Nobody's perfect? It didn't work. Had the terrorists, after all -- sneaking in the back door while we were busy at the front -- finally won? ...

Bruce at mAss Backwards: In what kind of sick, fucked-up world is it OK to chop off someone's head off over a friggin' cartoon?

Jay Fitzgerald: Buy Danish!

Wrestling with Truth acknowledges the seeming hypocrisy of a group of people who quietly sit by while their co-religionists murder children, but says the cartoon explosion didn't come out of nowhere:

... What we're seeing is years -- if not longer -- of anger, frustration and solidarity bubbling to the surface. They're sick of everyone being against them. Hell, I would be too. In a nutshell, this is why Muslims and Arabs are so easily provoked by slights to them. ...

Solomon notes not all Muslims are calling for death to the Danes.

Mikarrhea wonders what the protests say about the chances for world peace:

Obviously, one of the biggest questions facing our world in the near future is whether Muslims and non-Muslims can coexist peacefully on it. And the fact is, they simply can't, if Muslims are going to maintain the position that depicting their prophet, and even going "Nyaah! Nyaah!" at them, is a crime punishable by death.

Hey, Muslims! Your Prophet wears army boots! ...


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The guy wanted for the New Bedford attack captured in Arkansas


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Democratic caucus reports

Blue Mass. Group has a forum for discussing today's Democratic caucuses. Note: At 6:53 p.m., BMG had a lot more results than boston.com, which still had only an AP report about campaigning by Reilly and Patrick with no actual results in it.

Deval Patrick sweeps Watertown, Reilly's hometown:

... In a big surprise to H2otown, Deval Patrick beat Watertown resident and sitting AG Tom Reilly handily, despite the fact that Reilly's slate of delegates read like a Who's Who of Watertown politics. ...

Out in central Mass., Paxton went unanimously for Joe Kennedy (yes, you read right).


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Worst karaoke ever

If you're looking for a fun night of karaoke, Matt Mahoney has some advice: stay away from the Courtside Restaurant and Pub in Cambridge:

... At one point, fairly early on, he had informed the audience that people were singing for the second and third time of the evening, yet we had yet to perform. Upon questioning the devious fellow, he informed me that I should have "gotten there earlier". I was in the fucking bar for 2 and a half hours! I saw people sing twice! WTF??? I don't care if the people who sang twice or three times were his best friends. This man has a professional responsibility, and that responsibility was not observed. As a KJ, he should be ashamed of his actions. I can safely say that I will never appear at that bar again. ...


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