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2006 elections

By adamg - 10/22/06 - 4:20 pm

How DARE Blue Mass. Group call the Inmates for Patrick skinheads just because they are white guys with shaved heads. Mass. GOP News is outraged by this racial calumny:

By adamg - 10/21/06 - 4:10 pm

Hey, John! is a blog aimed at convincing John Kerry to give up some of the millions in campaign funds he's sitting on so Democrats can win this year.

Via W. A. Hurd, who notes that Rep. Marty Meehan, facing no competition this year, is also sitting on a large wad of cash.

By adamg - 10/21/06 - 11:00 am

Those Inmates for Healey are real wimps. Doesn't take any prison smahts to stroll around Milton at 7 a.m. OK, tough guys, if you really want to impress us, drive up to Pride's Crossing tomorrow and kidnap Kerry Healey. Get really tough and muss her hair.

Outraged Liberal: Just when you thought the Healey campaign could not hit a new low, they come up with a way to surprise you.

By adamg - 10/20/06 - 5:18 pm

Michael Gee, late of the Herald, rips into the Globe in general, and Brian McGrory in particular, for the coverage of last night's gubernatorial debate:

"And Grace Ross?" McGrory wrote of the Green party candidate last night. "She seems really nice. But let's step beyond the political correctness and admit that she has none of the support and qualifications that entitle her to a spot on the stage. She's a distraction and she no longer belongs." ...

By adamg - 10/20/06 - 9:11 am

Blue Mass. Group links to an FBI report showing that Massachusetts does have the highest violent-crime rate in the Northeast - even beating, gasp, New Jersey. Also, says Healey lied about the number of police on the street.

By adamg - 10/19/06 - 11:35 pm

Who won the debate?

Outraged Liberal: Patrick.
Mass. GOP News: Healey (Mass. GOP News earns bonus points for watching post-debate analysis and concluding that Mike Barnicle must have suffered a head injury shortly before going on air).

Jon Keller: Healey and Patrick both win. Joe Dwinell agrees.

By adamg - 10/19/06 - 7:37 pm

Joe Dwinell is posting away.

By adamg - 10/19/06 - 6:06 pm

Mihos comes out against the tollbacks on the turnpike as a cheap political trick.

Elias calls it electoral blackmail. Berto thinks eliminating the tolls is a great idea, but predicts the plan will die when Patrick wins.

By adamg - 10/18/06 - 10:19 pm

Mass. GOP News puts together a Deval Patrick word-search game that wittily ties Patrick to alleged perv David Scondras.

By adamg - 10/18/06 - 8:49 am

Joye feels she has no choice in her state-senate election this year: She has to comply with all the OBEY signs around the Suffolk and Norfolk state-senate district:

... At first glance, I thought maybe it was a speed limit reminder, something akin to those "Slow down Boston!" signs. But upon closer inspection it said in smaller letters "For State Senator."

By adamg - 10/18/06 - 12:11 am

So Romney tells Wolf Blitzer Massachusetts is going blue in the governor's race.

Debate on Thursday starting at 7 p.m. on, well, pretty much every channel. All four candidates will be there.

Gun-owner group supports Healey, and for all you cops crying about how this undercuts urban crime fighting, Hub Politics says: yeah, that Boston gun buyback really worked to curb violent crime, huh?

By adamg - 10/17/06 - 8:57 am

John Daley doesn't think Question 1 will mean hordes of drunken teens marauding through our streets; he explains why he'll be voting "yes" on Question 1:

... Mostly it's a question of convenience for consumers. In my case, that will mean being able to get two-buck Chuck at my local Trader Joe's rather than having to trek to Memorial Drive. And that's enough for me.

By adamg - 10/16/06 - 10:49 pm

Blue Mass. Group blogs Bill Clinton's pro-Patrick appearance in Boston tonight. Also notes some Herald body blows on Healey.

Hub Politics notes: The Healey campaign doesn't see Clinton's visit as particularly helpful for Patrick because, after all, only loonie leftists care what he has to say.

By adamg - 10/16/06 - 10:34 pm

Devone ponders:

It will be interesting to see how the Massachusetts press will spin a Jack Robinson victory if he defeats unpopular incumbent Stephen Lynch on November 7. ...

Ed. Ninth District Note: I don't particularly like Lynch - I have never voted for him - but, honestly, the chances of Robinson beating him next month are about equal to my odds of being elected Prince of Wales.

By adamg - 10/14/06 - 11:17 pm

Jon Keller wonders how Patrick turned into a loser and wonders why Patrick can't seem to stop Healey from setting the agenda (Keller is, of course, completely silent on the role of the media in all this).

Blue Mass. Group wishes the media would get it right: Patrick didn't actually accuse Kerry Healey's campaign of calling up the Herald - only that whoever did do it was practicing the politics of Kerry Healey. So there.

By tblade - 10/14/06 - 3:31 pm

For the benefit of those who are neither on the Patrick mailing list nor readers of Blue Mass Group:

The Deval Patrick and Tim Murray Rally for Change will be held Sunday, October 15, 2:30pm at the Boston Common Bandstand near Tremont Street.

By adamg - 10/14/06 - 12:44 pm

Dan Kennedy tells us what we know at the moment on the Patrick brother-in-law story: The Herald claims the state started looking into it after the Globe called, but then the Globe didn't think there was a story, so somebody dropped a dime to the Herald, which, of course, felt it was vital for voters to know about something that Patrick had nothing to do with.

The Healey campaign, of course, is just shocked that anybody would think it had anything to do with the affair.

By adamg - 10/13/06 - 2:49 pm

Blue Mass. Group posts Patrick's statement on the drop-a-dime Herald story about his brother-in-law's criminal record.

By adamg - 10/12/06 - 11:22 pm

Jay Fitzgerald on the latest poll numbers: Sure, the attack ads hurt, but Patrick still has a double digit lead:

... What candidate for any office wouldn't love an 18 percent lead at this point in a campaign? Healey will have to do much, much more than hammer away at a somewhat manufactured coddling-criminals topic that few thought was a major issue just a couple weeks ago. ...

True, Jay, but who is controlling the agenda for the election? Not Patrick.

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