By adamg - 12/22/21 - 9:20 am

Jamaica Plain News interviews Matt O'Malley, retiring from the City Council after 11 years representing District 6 (Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury, Mission Hill).

By adamg - 12/3/21 - 9:00 am

Matt O'Malley, stepping down as a city councilor at the end of the month, announced this morning he'll be taking on a new job as chief sustainability officer for Vicinity, which runs the steam system that heats and provides hot water for large buildings in Boston and Cambridge. Read more.

The two candidates in the WBZ debate
By adamg - 10/13/21 - 11:29 pm

WBZ has the summary of the debate its Jon Keller moderated. More from NBC Boston. Read more.

By adamg - 8/21/21 - 7:34 pm

Retiring District 6 (West Roxbury, Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill) City Councilor Matt O'Malley made a trip over to the Jamaica Pond boathouse today to endorse Mary Tamer as his replacement over Kendra Hicks and Winnie Eke. Read more.

Arroyo talking about dogs
By adamg - 4/21/21 - 2:39 pm

City Councilor Ricardo Arroyo (Hyde Park, Roslindale, Mattapan) says it's way past time for Boston to begin installing dog parks outside the "high income neighborhoods" he says have them now - and that the city should be planning them first, rather than waiting for organized groups of dog owners with discretionary income to push for them. Read more.

By adamg - 4/20/21 - 1:05 pm
Eneida Tavares

The City Council is considering a proposal by the Boston Elections Department to hold the September preliminary elections for mayor and city councilor on Sept. 14, rather than Sept. 21, which would give more time for voters to apply for and return mail-in ballots for the November final elections - assuming the state allows for widespread mail-in voting again this year. Read more.

By adamg - 1/13/21 - 2:35 pm

A City Council committee will hold a hearing on a proposal to seek to eliminate a special election for mayor should Mayor Walsh leave for Washington before March 5, following a discussion today in which one councilor managed to insult three others. Read more.

Matt and Margot O'Malley
By adamg - 12/2/20 - 5:32 pm

Matt O'Malley, who has a 6 tattooed on his arm for the city-council district he has served for ten years, announced today he won't be running for re-election next year. Read more.

Pressley speaks at Heath Street
By adamg - 11/11/20 - 9:36 pm

Elected officials gathered at the Green Line terminus at Heath Street today to demand the MBTA rescind its plan announced this week to end the E Line at Brigham Circle. Read more.

By adamg - 7/8/20 - 2:25 pm

The City Council agreed today to look at setting up a sort of "secret shopper" that would pair white and minority testers to see what happens when they apply for the same apartment. Read more.

O'Malley at vigil
By adamg - 6/22/20 - 9:56 pm

City Councilor Matt O'Malley (West Roxbury, Jamaica Plain) stood with other Black Lives Matter supporters at their weekly vigil at Holy Name Rotary this afternoon after first tweeting out a response to last week's Blue Lives Matter rally at the same spot: Read more.

By adamg - 5/15/20 - 3:14 pm

Several city councilors and an aide to Mayor Walsh put delivery companies on notice today: Do more to help out restaurants and consumers by curbing fees during the pandemic or the city will impose fee caps as is being done in other cities. Read more.

By adamg - 5/15/20 - 11:40 am

Boston elections officials told a City Council committee today that while voting by mail would be ideal in the age of pandemic, they're not currently set up to handle it - and that without proper planning it could mean having hundreds of volunteers counting ballots in close proximity at City Hall, which would defeat the whole point of trying to keep people away from each other. Read more.

At Jamaica Pond, stay six feet apart and to the left
By adamg - 3/24/20 - 9:56 am

City Councilor Matt O'Malley probably thought he was ending all the confusion about how to space walkers and joggers out around Jamaica Pond when he declared the other day that everybody should a) walk around the pond clockwise and b) stay to the left, because, you know this is JP, ain't nobody on the right here. Read more.

By adamg - 1/29/20 - 2:15 pm

Boston now pays more to have its recyclables hauled away than its trash, so its time to look at getting more creative with how it encourages residents to recycle, City Councilor Matt O'Malley (Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury) said today. Read more.

By adamg - 10/23/19 - 2:38 pm

City Council President Andrea Campbell (Dorchester) is calling for a public hearing to help figure out why Boston residents - and especially those who live in Roxbury, Dorchester and Hyde Park - pay so much more for car insurance. Read more.

By adamg - 7/11/19 - 2:57 pm reports on a proposal by Councilor Matt O'Malley (Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury) to start by giving city workers the day off or maybe switching from Columbus Day to Election Day. O'Malley bemoans turnout in municipal elections of just 25%, which could, of course, also be improved by shifting city elections to the same years as state elections, but, of course, that would simply be unpossible.,

By adamg - 6/19/19 - 9:15 am

Mayor Walsh today announced a series of steps aimed at reducing the amount of stuff now sent to an incinerator or landfill, including three extra weeks of yard-waste pickup between April and December, and pilot programs in which residents will be able to have somebody haul away their food scraps for composting and old clothing for reuse. Read more.

By adamg - 6/4/19 - 1:13 pm

The City Council on Wednesday will consider a proposal by councilors Matt O'Malley (West Roxbury, Jamaica Plain) and Lydia Edwards (North End, Charlestown, East Boston) to have public schools, libraries, community centers and other municipal buildings stock free menstrual products in women's rooms. Read more.

By adamg - 6/4/19 - 1:01 pm

City Councilor Matt O'Malley (Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury) is proposing curbside pickup of unwanted clothing for sale to companies that can then do something with it. Read more.