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Bill Galvin

By adamg - 11/4/06 - 10:05 am

After watching the debatelet between Secretary of State Bill Galvin and Green challenger Jill Stein (held at a Cheneyesque undisclosed location at Galvin's insistence), Bob concludes he cannot support the Democratic incumbent and so will vote for Stein:

Galvin is not fit to hold the Secretary of State's office. He doesn't appear to respect the fundamental premise of our system of government: the people are sovereign. ...

By adamg - 11/3/06 - 5:19 pm

Well, not counting the infamous "You called me a lizard!" debate between Ray Flynn and David Finnegan back in the day, that is. So set aside 16 minutes to watch the debate between Secretary of State Bill Galvin and Green opponent Jill Stein.

By adamg - 10/6/05 - 10:37 am

That's Sco's reaction to possible Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill Galvin after seeing Galvin speak recently:

... He was much better speaking off the cuff in a small group than I've seen him on television or in front of larger audiences giving prepared remarks. ...

Sco also reports on a Deval Patrick speech he took in.

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