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Johnny Damon

By adamg - 8/23/10 - 3:51 pm

Sports Illustrated claims the Sox have claimed him on waivers from Detroit.

By adamg - 7/21/06 - 6:50 pm

OK, so maybe "Damon sucks" baby bibs are a bit, oh, extreme. But do they warrant legal threats from Johnny Damon's agent?

Via Beetle, who suggests another saying for bibs.

By adamg - 5/2/06 - 12:18 pm

The Optimistic Patriot tells Red Sox Nation to wipe the spittle off its chin:

... Sox Nation forfeited the right to boo Damon when the Red Sox traded away Bronson Arroyo. Arroyo played the sucker, signed for a hometown discount because he wanted to stay in Boston, and the Sox immediately traded him. I guess loyalty is a one-way street because I missed the booing for Henry, Warner, Epstein, etc. for taking advantage of Arroyo. ...

By adamg - 2/28/06 - 9:11 am

On Soxaholix, Hart's bunch has become the latest group to wish Johnny Damon would just shut up already - especially on the whole "fun" thing:

... Absolutely, one of the things that put the 04 club over the top was the acquisition of a guy who not only doesn't have fun, he actually doesn't even like playing baseball — Keith Foulke. ...

By adamg - 2/8/06 - 8:06 pm

The adBasegirl gazes upon that full-page Johnny Damon thank-you ad in the Globe today and addresses No. 18:

... Actually, I don't really want to miss you. I just want you to go away.

Let it go, JD. We already have.

Call of the Green Monster reveals the original text of the ad:

... "As you might have imagine, Johnny doesn't exactly write all that well," Damon's agent, Scott Boras, told COTGM, speaking on the condition of anonymity. "I had to rewrite the entire thing." Damon's original message paid tribute to all the "hot-looking babes" in Boston, going into excruciatingly private details about his bachelor days and subsequent marriage to his wife, Michelle. ...

By adamg - 2/7/06 - 9:15 am

Hart Brachen ponders the imponderable - and wonders why Sox fans have never caught on to the whole ululating thing.

By adamg - 1/17/06 - 10:42 pm

Expressing one's feelings through statuary - Now does anybody know where this masterpiece is?

By adamg - 12/28/05 - 10:59 pm

Is a girl wearing a blue t-shirt reading:


Blecch. Fortunately, other than that, the trip back to Providence was uneventful.

By perkins35 - 12/23/05 - 7:52 pm


Johnny Damon, how can one describe the crulety which you have subjected upon Red Sox Nation. What you have done to YOUR fans is just unfathomable.

By adamg - 12/23/05 - 8:12 am

Andrew once again proves why baseball is a game of statistics with his analysis of why Damon wasn't as good as we think (caution: you will need to digest his explanation of something called SecA first):

By adamg - 12/21/05 - 10:46 pm

OK, I swear this is the last Johnny Damon post (well, of the night, anyway). The Chief once again uses his photographic memory (or his Lexis/Nexis account, your choice) to play Dan Shaughnessy against himself - apparently, Shaughnessy doesn't think anybody will remember anything he wrote three weeks ago, let alone in April.

Nobody at the Globe paid me to link to Dan Shaughnessy Watch, believe me

By adamg - 12/21/05 - 3:29 pm

Via Dave, who looks on the bright side of Johnny Damon's defection to the Deathstar:

Maybe this year the Sox can have a CF who can throw all the way to the infield.

For a limited time, you can buy Johnny's soul on eBay.

The hits just keep on coming:

By kensavage - 12/20/05 - 10:44 pm

Johnny Damon Agrees to Sign With New York Yankees

Channel 5 news just reported this...

Oh crap please Johnny tell us it's not true!!

By adamg - 11/30/05 - 8:26 am

RallyCuff takes a look at photos of Manny's $6.9-million Ritz condo and gets creeped out:

... Of the "memorabilia" laying around the house - pictures of Manny's family, his World Series trophy, the Pedro bobblehead with Manny Jr.'s scrawl across the face and jersey ... it was like Manny just died or something ... like something horribly tragic had evaporated him and his whole family and we were all being treated to a vulture's view of the corpses. In short, I didn't like it. Some things are personal and I don't need to see them. ...

By adamg - 10/10/05 - 8:02 am

Zach looks at available free agents and the odds they might sign with the Sox, including Johnny Damon:

... The rock star is headed to the Bronx, where he shaves off all of his hair, is brainwashed by Steinbrenner, and sells his soul to the devil. ...

Red, meanwhile, wishes to have a word or two with Sox management, specificially: Thou shalt not trade Manny:

By adamg - 5/2/05 - 7:28 pm

Girlie was getting a bit disenchanted with the publicity whoring Johnny Damon, but news that he wants to retire with the Sox instead of going over to the Empire might bring her back:

... I'm a skeptical girl. I'll believe it - that you won't join the Dark Side - when I see it. But I feel a little better about wearing my #18 shirt for your having said it.

By adamg - 4/22/05 - 8:29 pm

Domenico explains why - it involves a poster showing him as Jesus at the Last Supper.

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