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By adamg - 8/15/14 - 11:26 am

The parent company of Shaw's and Star Market announced today that somebody tried to access card information from customers between June 22 and July 17.

By adamg - 6/10/14 - 10:27 pm

Stanley Staco reports a man was stabbed in the stomach around 10 p.m. at the Star Market at River and Washington streets. Police are looking for a woman seen running from the scene.

By Ron Newman - 3/29/14 - 2:26 am

Siderea was not happy when the Porter Square Star Market charged her $2.89/lb for chicken that was advertised on sale at $1.79. She was even less happy after the cashier argued with her, told her to visit the (closed) customer service desk, and then re-rung the purchase at various prices ranging from $3.11/lb to $3.97/lb.

Now she's wondering who else has been ripped off -- and judging from the comments on her LiveJournal post, quite a few other people are unhappy with Star Market, in Porter Square and elsewhere. She helpfully links to the relevant state law and explains how to file a complaint.

By adamg - 1/31/14 - 3:45 pm
Darkened Shaw's

Jacob Sconyers was in the Hyde Park Shaw's around 3:15 p.m. when the lights went out. He reports the cash registers were on some sort of backup, so the store could keep ringing up customers.

The power outage apparently wasn't confined to the store. Around 3:30 p.m., when firefighters lined the street outside the store parking lot, axes in hand, traffic in nearby Cleary Square quickly devolved into gridlock.

By adamg - 1/28/14 - 2:11 pm

Shaw's goes before the Zoning Board of Appeals on Feb. 11 seeking permission to add a liquor store to the grocery offerings at its store at Boylston and Kilmarnock streets.

If it succeeds with the zoning board, the chain would then have to win approval from the Boston Licensing Board to sell liquor.

The zoning hearing starts at 10:30 a.m. in the board's eighth-floor hearing room in City Hall.

By adamg - 9/4/13 - 8:56 pm

Tebow shirt on sale

Better hurry, although Paul MacMaster says he'll wait until they're 125% off.

By adamg - 6/30/13 - 7:29 pm

Now a collector's itemNow a collector's itemThe value of tracking every last thing a consumer buys apparently ain't what it used to be: Shaws and Star Market discontinued their loyalty cards this weekend, saying that from now on, they're going

By adamg - 4/12/13 - 9:10 pm

Ewok or dog?

Jed Hresko spotted this extra fuzzy thing among the carriages tonight.

By massmarrier - 2/13/13 - 2:21 pm

Fish heads

Local lad at Shaw's on Hyde Park Avenue has fun with fish heads.

By adamg - 11/29/12 - 9:38 am

The Brighton Mills Shaw's was playing Chanukah music this morning:

Right now the store is broadcasting Haveinu Sholom Aleichem!

Meanwhile, a local group is already focusing on Thanksgivukkah next year - when the two holidays overlap for the first time since 1918.

By adamg - 10/28/12 - 12:22 am

Pas de l'eau

Christopher photographed the scene in the water aisle at the Waltham Shaw's on Saturday night.

By adamg - 8/11/12 - 9:32 pm

Too early

To get to the meat cases at the Hyde Park Shaw's today, we had to get around all these displays of Halloween candy. As we left early this evening, the thermometer in our car read 84.

By adamg - 12/24/11 - 11:08 pm

What? Too soon? Tell that to the Auburndale Shaw's, where Loriane DiSabato snapped this photo on the 23rd:

Valentine's celebration

By adamg - 10/23/11 - 9:01 am

Wicked Local Allston/Brighton reports a man was nabbed at the self-checkout line at the Western Avenue Shaw's hitting the banana price for the red grapes he'd put on the scale.

By adamg - 7/29/11 - 9:09 am

Halloween, already?

I was not ready to be confronted with this when I walked into the West Roxbury Shaw's yesterday (it was right at one of the entrances). To paraphrase our own Suldog, "Labor Day comes first!"

By adamg - 6/24/11 - 12:01 pm

Kiddie cart in E-5

Spotted at the Shaw's on Spring Street in West Roxbury. Guess what police district the store is in.

By adamg - 2/12/11 - 6:45 pm

Valentine's meat

At the West Roxbury Shaw's, which also had a heart-shaped shrimp ring for two (it came with two small containers of cockatail sauce).

By adamg - 1/17/11 - 2:52 pm

The West Roxbury Shaw's still had some of these for sale today - granted, with $1 off with a Shaw's card, but, really, who would buy one?


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