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Allston White Rabbit

By adamg - 9/25/14 - 9:23 am
Allston white rabbit

Roving UHub photographer Christopher Wagner reports on his encounter with the Allston white rabbit:

A couple days ago I was walking to my car and spotted him again. When I crouched down to try and get a picture, he hopped right out from under the white Subaru in the picture and stopped right in front of me. I’m thinking it has to be either an escaped or released pet ‘cause he’s awful comfortable around people. Also the whole albino thing. There was another time in front of my house when he was casually munching on some plants growing between the sidewalk cracks about 10 feet from where I was standing. Not sure what’s going to happen once winter comes, I think the times they will be much sadder.

Anyway I love the fact that there is a white rabbit in Allston.

By adamg - 9/18/14 - 8:42 am
Greyhound spots white rabbit in Allston

Andrea Crossan shows us what happens when a greyhound spots the fabled white bunny of Allston - on Islington Terrace.

Pandapwr, meanwhile, gets up and personal with one of the fabled white squirrels of the West End.

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