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East Boston

By adamg - 3/3/17 - 11:13 am

The East Boston Times-Free Press reports on a two-year effort by Channel Fish to stop Eversource from building a substation on East Eagle Street. Its latest weapon: A video that forecasts widespread destruction if the facility is built and then explodes. The state Energy Facilities Siting Board is currently considering whether to approve the substation and a transmission line to connect it to an existing substation in Chelsea.

By adamg - 3/2/17 - 12:38 am

Federal officials yesterday charged Arif Ali Sha, 66, with selling counterfeit goods out of stores in Dorchester, East Boston and Chelsea for ten years. Read more.

By adamg - 3/2/17 - 12:03 am

The New York Times report the ICA will spend $10 million to turn a condemned factory in the Boston Harbor Shipyard - which already has an artistic bent - into a new art facility to be called the Watershed.

By adamg - 2/27/17 - 8:53 am

Around 1:35 a.m. at 90 Bennington St., Stanley Staco and Rick Macomber report.

Boston Police report the arrest of Walter Hernandez Luna, 39, for the stabbing.

Innocent, etc.

By adamg - 2/24/17 - 6:55 pm
Kids upset about soggy East Boston Greenway

A concerned citizen wonders when the city will do something about the flooding on the East Boston Greenway:

Bike path in the greenway it is still flooded, my girls bike ride got ruined, thank you for ignoring this issue!

H/t Eastie Strong.

By adamg - 2/15/17 - 4:49 pm
Boston public-works pickup truck full of space savers

Whilst Ubering about town, roving UHub photographer Frank K. spotted this Public Works pickup full from a de-space-savering run through South Boston today.

The city also replied to this complaint about a space-saver-laden Princeton Street in East Boston with a cheery:

Space savers on Princeton St were reported to Public Works and they were out collecting this morning. Thank you.

By adamg - 2/15/17 - 8:25 am

WCVB reports a dozen cars were damaged last night by voracious potholes on Rte. 1A.

By adamg - 2/14/17 - 12:14 am
South Boston note threatening to slash person's tires

A newcomer to Boston, unfamiliar with our quaint ways, found this note on her car after parking in a space designated for visitors in South Boston on Monday.

In East Boston, though, they dispense with the pleasantries and just slash the tires right away.

By adamg - 2/12/17 - 7:48 pm
Logan Airport snow melter

State Police report elevated carbon-monoxide levels, believed to be from this Logan Airport snow melter, forced the shutdown of Terminal C tonight. After the terminal was aired out, it was re-opened.

By adamg - 2/6/17 - 5:14 pm
Patriots charter plane from Houston

Dan Santry watched the Patriots charter jet from Houston land at Logan this afternoon.

By adamg - 1/22/17 - 10:22 am

State Police report arresting Dennis Harrison, 25, of East Boston, on charges he pulled a fire alarm at the Airport Hilton around 3 a.m. - waking guests who included the players and staff of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Read more.

By adamg - 1/15/17 - 5:06 pm
Two raccoons in abandoned East Boston building

A concerned citizen files a 311 complaint:

There are at least 2 raccoons living in the condemned building at the corner of Maverick and Orleans. They are creating quite a ruckus in the early morning hours. This is on the back side of the building.

Sweet Jesus, that's a lot of raccoons.

By adamg - 1/9/17 - 9:37 am

A smouldering underground power cable may be the source of the carbon monoxide that sent two residents of an East Boston apartment building to the hospital last night, the Boston Fire Department reports. Read more.

By adamg - 1/6/17 - 9:30 am

The Boston Fire Department reports firefighters responded at 3 a.m. to a fire at 66 Byron St. Read more.

By adamg - 1/3/17 - 2:09 pm

A Lynn man was held in lieu of $20,000 bail today on charges he drunkenly struck and killed a pedestrian on New Year's Day, then tried to walk away, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. Read more.

By adamg - 1/2/17 - 10:34 am
Long Logan cab line

A disgruntled Aaron Rosenberg shows us a cab line at Logan at 12:45 this morning.

"Glad we banned uber...thanks," he writes. Logan has banned UberX and Uber Pool, unless the drivers register their cars as livery.

By adamg - 1/1/17 - 10:56 am

Boston Police report arresting a Lynn man they say struck and killed a man with his car around 6 a.m. on Saratoga Street between Brooks and Putnam. Read more.

By adamg - 12/29/16 - 5:28 pm

Carlos Villatoro-Nunez, 16, of East Boston, whose body was found in Belle Isle Marsh on Dec. 9, was likely stabbed to death, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. Read more.

By adamg - 12/29/16 - 2:19 pm

NorthEndWaterfront.com wonders if the real reason the current operators of First Night have shifted the midnight fireworks from Boston Harbor to Copley Square is not because it's cheaper but to try to build up a Boston version of Times Square:

Watch this year as the TV hosts interview the Copley attendees and count the suburbanites that will have come in to Copley, all decked out in a spectacularly crowded space. The Back Bay event will be instantly labeled a “success” because it will look good on television.

By szapata617 - 12/29/16 - 1:03 pm

Prevailing sentiment in progressive haunts is “2016, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Between a stressful election season, acts of terror, and the crisis in Syria, many of us will be glad to see the calendar page turn on Sunday night. Still, to every cloud there is a silver lining, and at least when it comes to tackling climate change in the US, Massachusetts was a bright spot amidst the clouds of 2016.

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