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By adamg - 10/19/12 - 8:07 am

The Swellesley Report alerts us that Roche Bros. has slapped QR codes on its seafood displays that let smartphone users "see a photo of the fishing boat, the location fished, and even a description of the fishing gear used."

By adamg - 10/19/12 - 7:55 am

The Tech reports how MIT didn't wait for a subpoena to give federal investigators detailed network information in their probe of a guy charged with downloading millions of documents from a paid database after allegedly breaking into an MIT wiring closet.

By adamg - 10/18/12 - 8:48 pm

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council weighs in on the Boston school-zone process, basically says there are just not enough decent schools in Boston no matter how you slice up assignment zones. Their report has copious maps and charts.

By Anonymous - 10/18/12 - 5:41 pm

Senator Scott Brown, trailing in 9 of the 11 most recent polls, is trying to disassociate himself from the Republican party.

But it's looking like a losing battle. Here's what I thought was the most illuminating moment of the debate. It was Warren taking Brown to task on equal pay and reproductive rights—and then, after Brown responds, hammering him again almost verbatim a few minutes later:

By Socializing4Justice - 10/18/12 - 1:03 pm

Redefine what it means to be a purpose-driven leader. Join Socializing for Justice for a Skillshare on Leading with Purpose on November 5th, 6:00 - 8:30 PM.

Register at www.sojust.org - Newcomers always welcomed!

SoJust hosts events that draw progressives of all stripes that share common values but may work on different issues. We create social spaces that allow for the possibility of cross-issue connections and run a Skillshare Series, hosted by The NonProfit Center*, which increases our individual capacity for movement building.

6:00-6:30 Socializing - bring your own dinner (microwave and water cooler available)
6:30-8:30 Training and Q & A

Event fee: $10-$20 cash at the door.

Leading With Purpose: Turning Great Ideas Into Reality

By adamg - 10/18/12 - 9:19 am

ACLU of Massachusetts says yes. Boston Police say no.

By adamg - 10/18/12 - 8:46 am

MBTA Transit Police report a man responded to a bus driver's refusal to let him off the bus exactly where he wanted this morning by punching the driver in the head, pushing out an emergency-exit window and jumping out.

Boston EMTs rendered aid to the driver, stopped at 700 Albany St. around 5:40 a.m. Police continue to hunt for the puncher.

By adamg - 10/18/12 - 8:29 am

Music video against the proposed Suffolk Downs casino.

Via East Boston News.

By adamg - 10/17/12 - 12:56 pm

The Globe reports passengers on a plane from Boston that had just landed in Salt Lake City had to restrain a guy who kept trying to open the plane's rear door because he was convinced a wing was on fire. The Globe notes the man was coming off "a 50-day drunk."

By adamg - 10/17/12 - 10:53 am

Ramirez-RodrigueMBTA Transit Police report arresting a man they say went even more berserk than he already was when ordered off a bus in Dudley Square for swearing at the driver.

Police say that around 7:45, a route-45 driver picked up Carlos Ramirez-Rodrigue, 38, at Blue Hill Avenue and Dudley Street:

Ramirez-Rodrigue entered the bus and immediately began yelling and swearing at the driver who asked Ramirez-Rodrigue to get off the bus which he did. While exiting the bus Ramirez-Rodrigue spit in the direction of the driver multiple times. When Ramirez-Rodrigue exited the bus, the driver closed the front passenger side door. Ramirez-Rodrigue then began punching the front passenger door with a closed fist and shattered the window.

By adamg - 10/17/12 - 10:20 am

El photo

When and where? See the original image for some possible clues. Photo from the Boston City Archives, natch.

By adamg - 10/16/12 - 10:48 pm

Massachusetts sure came up a lot in the debate tonight. Some history to go with the references:

When Romney got his binder full of women (and why he had nothing to do with it).

By adamg - 10/16/12 - 7:27 pm
Earthquake seismograph

Earthquake around 7:12 in southern Maine was felt all over the Boston area.

You feel it? Area tweeters, of course, were all over it:

Earthquake in Boston

Storified by Adam Gaffin · Tue, Oct 16 2012 16:37:28

By adamg - 10/16/12 - 8:27 am

The Revere Hotel on Stuart Street faces a Boston Licensing Board hearing next week on a police citation for giving guests a free glass of sparkling wine.

The alleged violation occurred on Sept. 6. Two weeks later, the board found "no violation" in a similar case involving the Liberty Hotel, whose lawyer argued a ban on free booze only applies to happy hours, not to situations involving a free flute of sparkling wine offered to guests on checking in.

The hearing starts at 10 a.m. on Oct. 23.

By adamg - 10/15/12 - 9:25 pm

Have you seen the new Boston Public Health Commission ads with the guy with the blood-drenched face? Boston Biker has, and is not amused:

Helmets are good, and people should wear them. But showing a kid who looks like someone took a bat to his face is not going to get more people to ride their bike, and I think we would all be better off if more people rode their bikes, with or without helmets.

By adamg - 10/15/12 - 7:32 pm

The Globe reports Mayor Menino wants the state to fork over $15 million for the costs of supervising all those drug suspects being freed thanks to former state employee Annie Dookhan.

By adamg - 10/15/12 - 8:59 am

Simmons College suspectWhat kind of aftershave do you think he wears?

By adamg - 10/14/12 - 9:47 am

You'd almost think Cody Ross and Will Middlebrooks pissed on home plate at Fenway or something last night. Both were watching the Yankees/Tigers game and both tweeted their amazement/admiration for Raul Ibanez's ninth-inning home run.

And parts of Red Sox Nation lost their collective mind.

Last night, Ross tweeted, simply:


Middlebrooks was even more effusive:

This is simply insane... #raul

Raul Ibanez is the St Louis Cardinals funneled into one man.

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